Competition law fines

  • While fines are imposed on individual companies, they are calculated at the level of the economic entity, or undertaking, to which the company which has committed the infringement belongs.
    The legal maximum is 10% of the total turnover of the undertaking as a whole.

Can a firm be fined for anti-competitive behaviour?

firm that has engaged in anti-competitive behaviour and so infringed competition law may be subject to fines imposed by the Commission under Regulation 1/2003.
The Commission's fining policy is aimed at punishment and deterrence.
The fines reflect the gravity and duration of the infringement.

What are the penalties for violating Competition Laws in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, by virtue of Section 61 of Competition Act 2010, the Competition Commission may sentence an o ender for an imprisonment term not exceeding five years. # Fines.
Breaching competition laws can result in extremely serious financial penalties.

What happens if a company violates competition law?

The commitments are usually valid for a specific period of time but if the companies breach them they can be fined. firm that has engaged in anti-competitive behaviour and so infringed competition law may be subject to fines imposed by the Commission under Regulation 1/2003.
The Commission's fining policy is aimed at punishment and deterrence.

What is the Commission's policy on competition law infringements?

The Commission's policy with regards to competition law infringements is one of prevention.
Hence it issues extensive guidance on how to comply with the law.
Should companies break the law, fines may be imposed.
These too are ultimately aimed at prevention, and must hence fulfil two objectives:

  • to punish and to deter.
  • Are litigious competition law cases still a problem?

    However, from a systemic point of view,the slow decline of litigious competition law cases is somewhat concerning, as the judicial process constitutes not only one of the main sources of EU law, but also a cornerstone of due process and a restoring force which, even if it is not exercised, remains essential to a balanced outcome

    How does the Commission impose fines on undertakings?

    Article 23 of Regulation 1/2003 gives the Commission the power to impose fines on undertakings

    In its decision, the Commission explains how it has set the fine

    The Commission published general guidelines in 1998 to provide greater transparency and greater accountability

    The Commission amended its Fining Guidelines in 2006

    How does the European Commission impose fines for infringements of EU competition law?

    The power of the European Commission (Commission) to impose fines for infringements of EU competition law is an important tool in its enforcement armoury

    The 2006 Fining Guidelines are the unique reference point used by the Commission to determine its fines

    Competition law fines
    Competition law fines
    The Italian Competition Authority is the competition regulator in Italy.
    It is an Italian quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization established on the basis of Law №287 of 10 October 1990.


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