Competition law hungary

  • What is the Competition Act in Hungary?

    The Hungarian Competition Act contains all the substantive provisions of the Hungarian competition law, that is, in addition to antitrust issues, it also covers both unfair competition and competition-related consumer protection provisions; furthermore, it contains rules relating to the enforcement institution (GVH) Jan 2, 2023.

  • What is the competition law in Hungary?

    The Hungarian Competition Act contains all the substantive provisions of the Hungarian competition law, that is, in addition to antitrust issues, it also covers both unfair competition and competition-related consumer protection provisions; furthermore, it contains rules relating to the enforcement institution (GVH) Jan 2, 2023.

  • What is the Economic Competition Authority in Hungary?

    The Hungarian Competition Authority (Gazdas\xe1gi Versenyhivatal - GVH; its English name used in the early years of operation was Office of Economic Competition) was established by Act LXXXVI of 1990 on the prohibition of unfair market practices, and started its operation on 1 January 1991..

Jan 2, 2023In the case of other infringements (unfair manipulation of consumer choice, cartels and other restrictive agreements, abuse of dominant position) 
Jan 2, 2023The provisions on unfair competition, in Chapter II of the Act, are enforced by the courts. In the case of other infringements (unfair 
Jan 2, 2023Though the GVH is the authority to safeguard the public interest, as from November 2005 the Act provides for the possibility of the enforcement 
The Competition Act, which is currently in force, is Act LVII of 1996 on the prohibition of unfair and restrictive market practices.

What are the laws governing advertising in Hungary?

Act LVII of 1996 on the Prohibition of Unfair and Restrictive Market Practices Act IV of 1959 On the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary Practices Act CLXIV of 2005 on Trade Act XLVIII of 2008 on Essential Conditions of and Certain Limitations to Business Advertising Activity Act XCV.

What are the new amendments to the Hungarian Competition Act?

The newly adopted amendments are mostly concerning the current merger procedure under the Hungarian Competition Act.
As regards to the merger thresholds, the legislator maintains the current, two-stage threshold system, but increases the applicable numbers.
This means, that concerned undertakings have to notify the GVH on their transaction if .

What changes did the Hungarian Parliament make to act LVII?

With its recently adopted laws, the Hungarian Parliament decided on some major changes to Act LVII of 1996 on the Prohibition of Unfair Trading Practices and Unfair Competition (’Hungarian Competition Act’) considering merger thresholds, a formal notice procedure and expenditure of the GVH’s power in relation to the EU’s Digital Market Act.

What is the competition law in the Netherlands?

The Competition Law in the Netherlands is based on the Dutch Competition Act that observes the relevant European policies and directives regarding economic competition.
These regulatory documents contain provisions for the avoidance of cartels, illegal undertakings of a dominant position or the abuse of power and the unlawful use of state aid.

Hungary-related events during 2023

Events in the year 2023 in Hungary.
Competition law hungary
Competition law hungary

1949–1989 socialist republic in Central Europe

The Hungarian People's Republic was a one-party socialist state from 20 August 1949 to 23 October 1989.
It was governed by the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, which was under the influence of the Soviet Union.
Pursuant to the 1944 Moscow Conference, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin had agreed that after the war Hungary was to be included in the Soviet sphere of influence.
The HPR remained in existence until 1989, when opposition forces brought the end of communism in Hungary.


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