Competition law nz

  • Does New Zealand have antitrust laws?

    Anyone who runs a business in New Zealand must comply with the Commerce Act, which aims to promote competition in markets for the long-term benefit of consumers.
    What is a competitor?.

  • What is the competition law in Otago?

    A study of the law and economic theory relating to anti-competitive business practices.
    Selected topics include cartels, monopolies and mergers.
    Competition law (also called antitrust law) is concerned with efforts of governments and regulators to manage economic markets for the benefit of consumers and wider society..

  • What is the purpose of competition law in NZ?

    Anyone who runs a business in New Zealand must comply with the Commerce Act, which aims to promote competition in markets for the long-term benefit of consumers.
    What is a competitor?.

  • What is the purpose of competition law in NZ?

    Its purpose is to promote competition in markets within New Zealand for the long term benefits of consumers.
    The Act covers anti-competitive conduct in markets within New Zealand, and also overseas business activity insofar as New Zealand markets are affected..

  • Predatory pricing occurs when a firm substantially reduces its prices for a sustained period or at strategic times, with the purpose, effect or likely effect of damaging a competitor, inducing exit or deterring entry.
    This fact sheet provides guidance only.
  • The Commerce Act prohibits: agreements that substantially lessen competition in a market. agreements that fix, maintain or control prices (also known as cartel conduct) agreements that restrict output or capacity, or allocate markets or customers.
The Commerce Act 1986 regulates the process of competition in New Zealand. Its purpose is to promote competition in markets within New Zealand for the long term benefits of consumers.
The Commerce Act 1986 regulates the process of competition in New Zealand. Its purpose is to promote competition in markets within New Zealand for the long term benefits of consumers.
Its purpose is to promote competition in markets within New Zealand for the long term benefits of consumers. The Act covers anti-competitive conduct in markets within New Zealand, and also overseas business activity insofar as New Zealand markets are affected.
The Commerce Act prohibits: agreements that substantially lessen competition in a market. agreements that fix, maintain or control prices (also known as cartel conduct) agreements that restrict output or capacity, or allocate markets or customers.

Mergers and Acquisitions

The Commerce Act sets out the rules which apply to mergers and acquisitions affecting markets in New Zealand.
The Act prohibits an acquisition of shares or business assets which would result in a substantial lessening of competition in any market.
The Commission has published guidelines indicating that competition is unlikely to be substantially le.

Obtaining Commission Approval

Parties to a proposed acquisition have a choice as to whether to apply for and implement their proposal in accordance with the prior approval of the Commission, or to proceed without approval.
Applications are voluntary.
Obtaining the prior approval of the Commission provides protection against the Commission or any other person taking legal action.

Restrictive Trade Practices

The Commerce Act prohibits the following collectiverestrictive trade practices:.
1) Practices substantially lessening competition—The Commerce Act prohibits a contract, arrangement or understanding that has the purpose, or has or is likely to have the effect, of substantially lessening competition in the market.
This section is very broad in its app.

What is a competition institution?

competition institutions – the institutional arrangements through which competition law and policy is given effect.
In particular, the Commerce Commission, an independent Crown entity, administers the Commerce Act 1986 and is monitored by MBIE.

What is competition and anti-trust law in New Zealand?

Competition and Anti-trust law in New Zealand Competition law is governed in New Zealand by the Commerce Act 1986.
The purpose of the Commerce Act is to promote competition in markets for the long-term benefits of New Zealand consumers.

What is competition law?

competition law – with the core of the system being the Commerce Act 1986, which protects the process of competition or, if competition is limited, provides for regulation for outcomes consistent with competition .

Which legislation contributes to the objectives of the competition system?

Other competition-related legislation, such as:

  • the Telecommunications Act 2001 and the Electricity Industry Act 2010
  • also contribute to the objectives of the competition system
  • but they are outside the system as defined here.

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