Competition law netherlands

The Dutch Competition Act (Mededingingswet) prohibits companies from abusing a dominant position. Your company is deemed to hold a dominant position if: you have no competitors.
Dutch Competition Act. Act of 22 May 1997, Providing New Rules for Economic Competition (Competition Act). Translations made by the Dutch Competition 
i) 'dominant position': a position of one or more undertakings which enables them to prevent effective competition being maintained on the Dutch market or a 
The Dutch Competition Act (Mededingingswet) prohibits companies from abusing a dominant position. Your company is deemed to hold a dominant position if: you have no competitors.
The Internet site of Dutch Civil Law covers the national and international private law of the Netherlands, including a translation of the Dutch Civil Code 

Can a concentration of undertakings be abused under Dutch competition law?

Only the abuse of such a position is prohibited under Dutch competition law.
Article 29 of the Dutch Competition Act specifies when a concentration of undertakings requires prior notification to the ACM.
A concentration is subject to notification and prior approval where:.

What happened in the Netherlands in 2020?

As part of the series of posts on the main 2020 developments in key jurisdictions by many authors of the Kluwer Competition Law Blog, we provide you with an overview of developments in the Netherlands.
In sum, we saw an upsurge in the enforcement of the competition rules in the Netherlands by the Authority for Consumers & Markets (“ ACM ”) in 2020.

What is the Dutch competition authority (ACM)?

The Dutch Competition Authority (‘ Autoriteit Consument en Markt’, ACM) enforces the Dutch Competition Act (‘ Mededingingswet’ ), which entered into effect in January 1998.
It also has the authority to enforce articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ( TFEU ), which affect the Netherlands directly.

When is Dutch competition law applicable?

Dutch competition law is applicable only within the Dutch territory if competition within the Netherlands is restricted.
The Dutch Competition Authority (‘ Autoriteit Consument en Markt’, ACM) enforces the Dutch Competition Act (‘ Mededingingswet’ ), which entered into effect in January 1998.

Competition law netherlands
Competition law netherlands

Competition regulator in The Netherlands

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets is the competition regulator in The Netherlands.
It is a regulatory authority based in The Hague.
It is charged with competition oversight, sector-specific regulation of several sectors, and enforcement of consumer protection laws.
It enforces Section 24 of the Dutch Competition Act.
The Netherlands Competition Authority was the competition regulator

The Netherlands Competition Authority was the competition regulator

The Netherlands Competition Authority was the competition regulator for the Netherlands.
After a merger with the Consumentenautoriteit and Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatie Autoriteit on 1 April 2013, it became the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets.
The Netherlands Competition Authority monitored all Dutch markets, to ensure fair competition.


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