Centre for competition law and policy

  • What is the Centre for competition economics?

    The Centre for Competition Policy is the UK's world-leading inter-disciplinary centre focused on competition, regulation and consumer policy.
    We conduct independent policy-relevant research, organise bespoke professional development and provide specialist events such as conferences, workshops and seminars..

Activities and courses focus on regulation of competition in the UK, EU and US, international aspects of competition law and antitrust economics.
The CCLP provides a venue for scholars and practitioners to exchange views on competition law and policy through its Conferences, Workshops, Discussion Forums 

Is competition law policy related to other economic policies?

The differing goals of different government policies give rise to tensions regarding the priority assigned to competition law policy vis-à-vis the Government’s other economic policies and objectives.
This leads to questions regarding (i) the extent to which competition law policy.

What is Competition Law & Policy Centre?

The Vision of Centre is to create a Centre for Excellence for discussion and research in Competition Law and Policy.
Centre seeks to contribute to the growing academic discourse in the area of Competition Law and Policy by bringing out research reports and publications.

What is competition law training?

This online training course on competition law looks at how businesses and employees can prevent anti-competitive activity and ensure compliance with competition laws.
The course is designed to raise awareness on various types of anti-competitive behaviour, the ways in which competition law applies and how to report any anti-competitive activity.

Where can I get a lecture in competition law & policy?

Have guest lectures scheduled within the National Law University, Jodhpur in the field of Competition law and policy, mostly from the Experts in the field, as there is lot of professional work carried on in the field of competition law and policy.


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