Competition law concerted practices

  • What is a cartel or concerted practice?

    A concerted practice involves communication or cooperative behaviour between businesses that may not amount to cartel conduct (forming an understanding) but goes beyond a business independently responding to market conditions..

  • What is a concerted practice in competition law?

    The concept of concerted practices refers to undertakings that knowingly engage in collusive behaviour to reduce uncertainty in the market.
    In contrast to an agreement, such collusive behaviour does not require the participants to adhere to a common plan that defines their actions in the market..

  • What is an example of concerted practice?

    For example, a concerted practice would be more likely to be found to have the purpose of harming competition where commercially sensitive information is exchanged between competitors and where the recipient acts, or intends to act on that information..

  • What is Article 81 of the competition law?

    Requirements of Art 81
    Art 81 forbids agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market..

  • What is the Article 101 concerted practice?

    Article 101(.

    1. TFEU1 bans agreements and concerted practices* between companies and groups of companies that may affect trade between EU countries and whose purpose is to prevent, restrict or distort competition within the EU's single market
    2. .Jan 8, 2019

  • What is the difference between concerted practice and agreement?

    The key difference is that a concerted practice may exist where there is informal co-operation without any formal agreement or decision..

  • What is the law on concerted practices?

    What is a concerted practice? The Competition and Consumer Act prohibits corporations from engaging in a concerted practice that has the purpose, effect or likely effect of substantially lessening competition (section 45(1)(c))..

  • A concerted practice involves communication or cooperative behaviour between businesses that may not amount to cartel conduct (forming an understanding) but goes beyond a business independently responding to market conditions.
  • The key difference is that a concerted practice may exist where there is informal co-operation without any formal agreement or decision.
A concerted practice has the purpose of harming competition where commercially sensitive information, such as an undertaking's planned future pricing or output or capacity, is exchanged between actual and/or potential competitors.
A concerted practice has the purpose of harming competition where commercially sensitive information, such as an undertaking's planned future pricing or output 
To sum up, a consensual definition of concerted practices can be the following: “A concerted practice is a form of co-ordination, without a formal agreement or decision, by which two or more companies come to an understanding to avoid competing with each other.

Agreements and concerted practices

Ref: OFT401

Are concerted practices anticompetitive?

While the case’s merits did not involve concerted practices, the Court’s decision fundamentally established Article 101 violations by object, and thus, requires that there be some legal distinction between concerted practices with anticompetitive objects, and concerted practices with anticompetitive effects.

How does the Commission regulate concerted practices?

The Commission’s regulation defines the categories of agreements to which it applies and stipulates the restrictions or clauses which may not be contained in the agreements.
The same rules apply in relation to categories of concerted practices.


Sets out some of the circumstances in which the CMA considers that agreements will or may be regarded as anti-competitive.

What is a concerted practice?

The concept of a concerted practice, as it has been developed through the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union, refers to a form of coordination between undertakings by which, without having reached the stage of a true agreement, a cooperation between competitors is knowingly substituted for the risks of competition.

What is Article 4 of the competition law?

Article 4 of the Law on the Protection of Competition No. 4054 (“ Competition Law ”) makes it a serious violation to engage in a concerted practice.
It forbids concerted practices restricting competition between undertakings.
It is closely modelled after Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.


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