Compiler construction an incremental approach

How to develop a compiler?

To develop a compiler, there are a few decisions to be made.The source language, the implementation language, and the targetarchitecture must be selected.
The development time frame mustbe set.
The development methodology and the final goal must bedecided.
For the purpose of our tutorial, we made the decisionspresented below.

Is building a compiler as easy as building an interpreter?

We show thatbuilding a compiler can be as easy as building an interpreter.
Thecompiler we construct accepts a large subset of the Scheme pro-gramming language and produces assembly code for the Intel-x86architecture, the dominant architecture of personal computing.
Thedevelopment of the compiler is broken into many small incremen-tal steps.

Is compiler construction complex?

Compiler construction is not as complex as it is commonly per-ceived to be.
In this paper, we showed that constructing a com-piler for a large subset of Scheme that targets a real hardware issimple.

What is incremental development?

With our approach of incremental development, where everystep results in a fully working compiler for some subset of Scheme,the risk of not “completing” the compiler is minimized.
This ap-proach is useful for people learning about compilers on their own,where the amount of time they can dedicate constantly changes.

The incremental build model is a method of software development where the product is designed, implemented and tested incrementally until the product is finished.
It involves both development and maintenance.
The product is defined as finished when it satisfies all of its requirements.
This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping.
According to the Project Management Institute, an incremental approach is an adaptive development approach in which the deliverable is produced successively, adding
functionality until the deliverable contains the necessary and
sufficient capability to be considered complete.


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