Compiler construction mid term paper

Exam 1

Exam 1 covers allmaterial references in class or on the course website before the date of the exam.
This will include topics such as COOL syntax, regular langauges, regular expressions, finite automata, context-free grammars, grammars, ambiguity, and various forms of parsing.
Additionally, this may include material from PA1 through PA3.

How to use MIDL compiler?

Run the MIDL compiler tool on the script.
For example:

  • Based on the object description script inscript.odl, the example creates a type library named output.tlb and a header file named output.h.
    After creating the type library, you can include:it in the resource step of building your application, or leave it as a stand-alone file.
  • Materials

    You are allowed to bring one sheet of paper notes (one page, 8.5x11", both sides).
    You can print whatever you like on it.
    These exams are notopen book.
    You may not use any electronic devices.


    This course will have two midterm examiniations and one final examination.
    The final exam will be cumulative.

    Review Problems

    The review set is meant to give you questions indicative of those that will appear on the midterm exam.
    These are not graded and are meant to be a structured system to evaluate your mastery of the material in preparation for the written exams..
    1) Review Set 1 — COOL syntax, regular languages, and context-free languages.
    2) Review Set 2 — COOL syntax.


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