Synopsys design compiler base

  • Synopsys RTL Architect uses a fast, multi-dimensional implementation prediction engine that enables RTL designers to predict the power, performance, area, and congestion impact of their RTL changes.

What conventions are used in Synopsys documentation?

Preface About This Manual xxxii Design CompilerDesign Compiler® ® User Guide User Guide Version P-2019.03 P-2019.03 Conventions The following conventions are used in Synopsys documentation.
Convention Description CourierIndicates syntax, such as:

  • write_file.
    Courier italicIndicates a user-defined value in syntax, such as:
  • write_file design_list.
  • What is Synopsys custom design platform?

    " The Synopsys Custom Design Platform was instrumental in reducing the time and effort required to design, lay out and simulate the high-performance custom circuits in the 7-nm Speedster7t FPGAs." Read more .

    Why should CMOS IC designers use Synopsys optocompiler?

    The Synopsys platform gives CMOS IC designers the ability to create PICs in a platform and flow that looks very much like a standard CMOS AMS flow." Synopsys OptoCompiler’s assisted waveguide routing feature provides flexible, interactive waveguide routing with smart obstacle avoidance.
    Unknown catalog request error.

    C Level Design was a computer software company based in San Jose, California.
    It developed a tools to translate from the C programming language to hardware description languages.


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