Complexity theory relativization

  • What is relativization in complexity theory?

    1 Relativizations.
    With a few significant exceptions, all known results about complexity classes “relativize,” meaning that the results remain true if one replaces the complexity classes involved in the result with the respective classes relative to an oracle A, for every choose of A.Jan 16, 2014.

  • What is the concept of relativization?

    : the act or result of making relative or regarding as relative rather than absolute. assert again the dignity of human action against modern historical contemplation and relativization Hannah Arendt. relativization of space and time determinations..

  • What is the role of relativization in complexity theory?

    Relativization was a technique introduced by Baker, Gill and Solovay [BGS75] to provide evidence that standard complexity theory techniques like simulation and diagonalization (see Rabin [Rab59], and Hartmanis and Stearns [HS64]) would not suffice to resolve the P v/s NP question..

In this paper we take a look at how complexity theorists use and misuse oracle results. We pay special attention to the new interactive proof systems and 


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