Most complex theory

  • Interesting concepts and theories

    The Hardest Science Majors

    Students majoring in chemistry study the elements that make up the world—investigating their properties and how they interact, combine, and change. Neuroscience. Astronomy and Astrophysics..

  • Interesting concepts and theories

    Chemistry degree is famous for being one of the hardest subjects.
    Just one topic in Chemistry (for example, organic chemistry) is incredibly complex..

  • Interesting concepts and theories

    The Standard Model of particle physics is the most successful scientific theory of all time.
    In this explainer, Cambridge University physicist David Tong recreates the model, piece by piece, to provide some intuition for how the fundamental building blocks of our universe fit together..

  • Most famous theories

    The most difficult concept would arguably be M-Theory, the theoretical framework that elegantly unites classical physics including general relativity with quantum physics.
    Note that elegant mathematics must not be confused with everyday speech elegance..

  • Should a theory be complex?

    As simplified explanations of reality, theories may not always provide adequate explanations of the phenomenon of interest based on a limited set of constructs and relationships.
    Theories are designed to be simple and parsimonious explanations, while reality may be significantly more complex..

  • What is the best theory in the world?

    The Standard Model of particle physics is the most successful scientific theory of all time.
    In this explainer, Cambridge University physicist David Tong recreates the model, piece by piece, to provide some intuition for how the fundamental building blocks of our universe fit together..

  • What is the most complex science?

    The Hardest Science Majors

    Students majoring in chemistry study the elements that make up the world—investigating their properties and how they interact, combine, and change. Neuroscience. Astronomy and Astrophysics..

  • What is the most mind bending theory?

    The Heat Death of the Universe.The Many Worlds Theory. Black Holes Can Give Birth to Entirely New Universes. The Universe is a Hologram. The Simulation Theory. The Fermi Paradox. The Existence of White Holes. The Ekpyrotic Universe Theory. .

  • What's the hardest theory?

    Quantum mechanics is deemed the hardest part of physics.
    Systems with quantum behavior don't follow the rules that we are used to, they are hard to see and hard to “feel”, can have controversial features, exist in several different states at the same time - and even change depending on whether they are observed or not..

  • What's the hardest theory?

    Quantum mechanics is deemed the hardest part of physics.
    Systems with quantum behavior don't follow the rules that we are used to, they are hard to see and hard to “feel”, can have controversial features, exist in several different states at the same time - and even change depending on whether they are observed or not.Jun 25, 2020.

  • Which is the most complex theory?

    Undoubtedly Quantum Mechanics is by far, the most complex scientific theory to date involving very advanced mathematics.
    Moreover, Quantum Mechanics is incomplete since there are unsolved mysteries in this most mysterious science.Jun 10, 2019.

  • Which is the most difficult theory in the world?

    Quantum mechanics is deemed the hardest part of physics.Jun 25, 2020.

12 Of The Most Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories Ever ConceivedThe Ekpyrotic Universe TheoryThe Existence of White HolesThe Fermi ParadoxThe Simulation  The Ekpyrotic Universe TheoryThe Simulation TheoryThe Many Worlds Theory
Jun 10, 2019Undoubtedly Quantum Mechanics is by far, the most complex scientific theory to date involving very advanced mathematics. Moreover, Quantum Mechanics is  What is the hardest and the most understandable theory in science?What is the most complex scientific theory you can explain - QuoraWhat is the most complex theoretical physics to comprehend? - QuoraWhat are the most complex fields of physics? - QuoraMore results from
Jun 10, 2019Undoubtedly Quantum Mechanics is by far, the most complex scientific theory to date involving very advanced mathematics. Moreover, Quantum Mechanics is  What is the hardest and the most understandable theory in science?What is the most complex scientific theory you can explain - QuoraWhy are scientific theories getting more complex and weird? - QuoraWhat is the most complex theoretical physics to comprehend? - QuoraMore results from
Jun 10, 2019Undoubtedly Quantum Mechanics is by far, the most complex scientific theory to date involving very advanced mathematics. Moreover, Quantum Mechanics is  What is the hardest and the most understandable theory in science?What is the most complex theoretical physics to comprehend? - QuoraWhat is the most complex scientific theory you can explain - QuoraWhat is the most complicated proven scientific theory? - QuoraMore results from

Theory in condensed matter physics

In molecular physics, crystal field theory (CFT) describes the breaking of degeneracies of electron orbital states, usually d or f orbitals, due to a static electric field produced by a surrounding charge distribution.
This theory has been used to describe various spectroscopies of transition metal coordination complexes, in particular optical spectra (colors).
CFT successfully accounts for some magnetic properties, colors, hydration enthalpies, and spinel structures of transition metal complexes, but it does not attempt to describe bonding.
CFT was developed by physicists Hans Bethe and John Hasbrouck van Vleck in the 1930s.
CFT was subsequently combined with molecular orbital theory to form the more realistic and complex ligand field theory (LFT), which delivers insight into the process of chemical bonding in transition metal complexes.
CFT can be complicated further by breaking assumptions made of relative metal and ligand orbital energies, requiring the use of inverted ligand field theory (ILFT) to better describe bonding.
Most complex theory
Most complex theory

Fringe hypothesis in alternative Egyptology

The Orion correlation theory is a fringe theory in Egyptology attempting to explain the arrangement of the Giza pyramid complex.


Complexity approach to markets
Complexity approach to speech therapy
Complexity approach to phonological treatment
Complexity approach to management
Complexity theory
Time complexity
Theoretical complexity
Complexity theory example
Complexity theory cases
Complexity theory care
Complexity theory and social capital
Complexity theory and lambda calculus
Capitalism complexity theory
Time complexity theory
Complexity theory in easy words
Big crunch theory summary
Harmonic complexity theory
Complexity theory halt
K complexity
Complexity theory and law