Complex variable theory

  • Complex analysis textbook

    (a, b)+(c, d)=(a + c, b + d) and (a, b)(c, d)=(ac − bd, ad + bc).
    If i = (0, 1) and the real number a is identified with (a, 0), then (a, b) = a + bi..

  • How do you define a complex variable?

    complex variable, In mathematics, a variable that can take on the value of a complex number.
    In basic algebra, the variables x and y generally stand for values of real numbers.
    The algebra of complex numbers (complex analysis) uses the complex variable z to represent a number of the form a + bi..

  • What is an example of a complex function?

    Example 1: The function w=z2 w = z 2 is a single-valued function of z .
    On the other hand, if w=z12, w = z 1 2 , then to each value of z there are two values of w .
    Hence, the function w=z12 w = z 1 2 is a multiple-valued (in this case two-valued) function of z ..

  • What is complex function theory?

    Complex Function Theory is a concise and rigorous introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable.
    Written in a classical style, it is in the spirit of the books by Ahlfors and by Saks and Zygmund..

  • What is complex variable theory?

    Traditionally, in mathematics, complex analysis is known as the theory of functions of a complex variable.
    It is the branch of mathematical analysis that analyses functions of complex numbers..

  • What is the difference between real and complex variables?

    Another important point is that real numbers can be plotted on the number line, whereas complex numbers cannot be plotted on a number line.
    All real numbers are also complex numbers with zero for the imaginary part, whereas all imaginary numbers are also complex numbers with zero for the real part..

  • What is the formula for complex variable functions?

    Functions of complex variables
    z = u+v = u v = u HCos@vD + Sin@vDL..

  • A complex-valued function of a real variable may be defined by relaxing, in the definition of the real-valued functions, the restriction of the codomain to the real numbers, and allowing complex values. f(x) = g(x) + ih(x), where g and h are real-valued functions.
Abstract. This chapter surveys complex variable theory. Analytic functions are defined; it is shown that they satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Branch point 
Complex variable theory
Complex variable theory

Topics referred to by the same term

In the mathematical field of complex analysis, Nevanlinna theory is part of the
theory of meromorphic functions.
It was devised in 1925, by Rolf Nevanlinna.
Hermann Weyl called it one of the few great mathematical events of (the twentieth) century. The theory describes the asymptotic distribution of solutions of the equation f(z) = a, as a varies.
A fundamental tool is the Nevanlinna characteristic T(r, f) which measures the rate of growth of a meromorphic function.
This article describes periodic points of some complex quadratic maps.
A map is a formula for computing a value of a variable based on its own previous value or values; a quadratic map is one that involves the previous value raised to the powers one and two; and a complex map is one in which the variable and the parameters are complex numbers.
A periodic point of a map is a value of the variable that occurs repeatedly after intervals of a fixed length.


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