Mit computational geometry

What are the readings for Computational Geometry?

Readings will come from the textbook, de Berg et al

's Computational Geometry:  Algorithms and Applications, and from selected classic and modern papers from the research literature

Each topic will be co-presented by students and instructors, with significant effort devoted ahead of time to the student's command of the material

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MIT OpenCourseWare is a web based publication of virtually all MIT course content

OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity

What will I learn in geometry & computer graphics?

We will study fundamental data structures and algorithms from computational geometry and computer graphics, their application to problems that occur in practice, and (as part of an optional programming component) techniques for visual inspection of and interaction with geometric entities and running geometric algorithms

A central theme in our research involves algorithms and applications for optimal transport(OT). OT lifts classical geometry to …


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Journal of computational geometry
Computational geometry auf deutsch
Depth computational geometry
Computational geometry in deutsch
Python computational geometry