Computed tomography for dimensional metrology

  • How does a CT scan work in physics?

    The CT machine passes X-ray photons through each point in the object at different angles through 360 degrees.
    Fluctuations in the density of the different parts of the object change the intensity of photons that successfully pass through the object depending on the angles at which the beam of photons is shone..

  • How is a CAT scan measured?

    A CT number is calculated and displayed for each image pixel.
    This calculation is always based on the X-ray attenuation characteristics of the tissues within the voxel.
    The CT number is given in Hounsfield units (HU)..

  • What are the dimensions of a CT scan?

    The typical CT image is composed of 512 rows, each of 512 pixels, i.e., a square matrix of 512 x 512 = 262,144 pixels (one for each voxel)..

  • What best defines dimensional metrology?

    Dimensional metrology is the science and application of geometrical measurement, for example, length, area, volume, flatness, and roundness..

  • What is computed tomography measurement unit?

    Unlike x-ray radiography, the detectors of the CT scanner do not produce an image.
    They measure the transmission of a thin beam (1-10 mm) of x-rays through a full CT of the body.
    The image of that section is taken from different angles, and this allows to retrieve the information on the depth (in the third dimension)..

  • What is CT Metrology?

    CT metrology is the only non-destructive method for measuring internal walls to identify any core shift that may have occurred during the casting process..

  • Why is dimensional metrology important?

    The most important role of dimensional metrology is to maintain primary standard of length for realization of SI unit “metre” and to provide traceable measurements on national/international level..

  • A CT number is calculated and displayed for each image pixel.
    This calculation is always based on the X-ray attenuation characteristics of the tissues within the voxel.
    The CT number is given in Hounsfield units (HU).
Dimensional CT metrology lies at the other end of the specification scale: it often calls for high penetration power as there is a demand for measuring ever 
It describes the basic principles of CT metrology, putting emphasis on issues as accuracy, traceability to the unit of length (the meter) and measurement 

Scholarly articles for computed tomography for dimensional metrology › citationsComputed tomography for dimensional metrology
KruthCited by 902… tomography: from medical imaging to dimensional …
Villarraga-GómezCited by 148… x-ray computed tomography for dimensional metrology
LiftonCited by 52
It describes the basic principles of CT metrology, putting emphasis on issues as accuracy, traceability to the unit of length (the meter) and measurement 
With CT it is possible to perform, high accuracy measuring tasks that are not possible with any other measurement technology, including the analysis of internal complex geometries in a nondestructive way.
Dimensional metrology, also known as industrial metrology, is the application of metrology for quantifying the physical size, form (shape), characteristics, and relational distance from any given feature.


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