Computer architecture as

  • What are the three category of computer architecture?

    Key Components and Structure of Computer Architecture
    These components are organized into three primary categories: Processor.
    Input/Output (I/O) Devices..

  • What is the architecture of computer?

    Computer architecture is the organisation of the components which make up a computer system and the meaning of the operations which guide its function.
    It defines what is seen on the machine interface, which is targeted by programming languages and their compilers.Aug 26, 2021.

  • Why is a processor's architecture important?

    The number of instructions in a program depends on the processor architecture.
    Some architectures have complicated instructions that do more work per instruction, thus reducing the number of instructions in a program.
    However, these complicated instructions are often slower to execute in hardware..

  • the ISA can be classified as Stack Architecture, Accumulator Architecture, and Register-set Architecture.


Computer architecture between organization
Difference between computer architecture and organization
Relationship between computer architecture and organization
Difference between computer architecture and embedded systems
Relationship between computer architecture and programming language
Difference between computer architecture and system
Difference between computer architecture and computer organization in hindi
Difference between computer architecture and computer design
Similarities between computer architecture and computer organization
Difference between computer architecture and computer organization ppt
Difference between computer architecture and structure
Relation between computer architecture and computer organization
Computer architecture by morris mano
Computer architecture by patterson
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Computer architecture by hennessy and patterson
Computer architecture articles
Architecture computer
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Computer architecture exception