Computer architecture performance evaluation methods pdf

  • How can we measure the performance of a computer in computer architecture?

    Computer performance metrics (things to measure) include availability, response time, channel capacity, latency, completion time, service time, bandwidth, throughput, relative efficiency, scalability, performance per watt, compression ratio, instruction path length and speed up.
    CPU benchmarks are available..

  • What are the techniques of computer performance evaluation?

    We divide the methods used into three main areas, namely performance measurement, analytic performance modeling, and simulation performance modeling, which we survey in the three main sections of the paper..

  • What is the importance of computer systems performance evaluation?

    We first learned that computer performance evaluation assesses a PC system to determine whether it is performing at its optimal level and whether there are any improvements that can be made to enhance subpar levels..

  • Amdahl's law is used to calculate the system improvement expected when parts of the system are improved.
    The "system" can be hardware or software.
  • THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION in any evaluation of a computer should be, “How long will it take this system to process my workload?” If the system cannot do the workload, there is no point in asking how much it costs or any other facts about the system.
The book provides an overview of the simulation tech- niques in the computer designer's toolbox, followed by various simulation acceleration techniques.


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