Computer-assisted text analysis for comparative politics

  • .
    1. Why is operationalization key to the study of comparative politics? a.
    2. Operationalization organizes concepts on the basis of their specificity or generality.
  • What are the levels of analysis in comparative politics?

    In political science, level of analysis is generally divided into three categories – individual, state, and international system.
    However, newer discussions of globalization have led to a newer level of analysis to be considered.
    The framework of analysis originated from K..

  • What are the methods of comparative politics analysis?

    While the name of the subfield suggests one methodological approach (the comparative method), political scientists in comparative politics use the same diversity of social scientific methods as scientists elsewhere in the field, including experiments, comparative historical analysis, case studies, survey methodology, .

  • What is the unit of analysis in comparative politics?

    Nation-states are usually the units of analysis in comparative research, but comparativists can focus on almost anything.
    A unit of analysis is the main object or actor in an argument, hypothesis, or theoretical framework..

  • Most Similar Systems Design (MSSD)
    The assumption here is that comparing similar cases that bring about different outcomes will make it easier for the researcher to control factors that are not the causal agent and isolate the independent variable that explains the presence or absence of the dependent variable.
  • Systems theory in political science is a highly abstract, partly holistic view of politics, influenced by cybernetics.
    The adaptation of system theory to political science was conceived by David Easton in 1953.
    Easton, David (1965).
    A Systems Analysis of Political Life, New York, S.


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