What are good and bad points of using computers

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer?

    Advantages of the computer

    With the burden of performing multiple tasks simultaneously, the speed must be also maintained. Time saver.
    It is very obvious that if the speed is maintained task will be completed on time. Accuracy. Multitasking. Automation. Storage. Security. Cost-effective..

  • What are the good and bad uses of computer?

    Accuracy: Works done by a computer have better accuracy than the work done by a human being.
    The errors occur in a computer by entering wrong data by a human being.
    A computer performs tasks quickly and accurately.
    Memory: A computer can store billions of data and these records are easily accessible with high accuracy.Apr 24, 2023.

  • What are the good points of using computers?

    Accuracy: One of the essential advantages of computers is they will perform not only calculations but also with accuracy.
    Data Security: Protecting digital data is understood as data security.
    Task completer: Completes tasks that might be impossible for humans to complete.Apr 24, 2023.

  • What is a computer good for?

    You may already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web.
    You can also use it to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos..

  • What is good and what is bad about the uses of computer?

    Accuracy: Works done by a computer have better accuracy than the work done by a human being.
    The errors occur in a computer by entering wrong data by a human being.
    A computer performs tasks quickly and accurately.Apr 24, 2023.

  • Why is it good to use a computer?

    Computers save time, labor and resources:
    Computers and computer-controlled machines work more quickly than people can.
    With the aid of computers, time-consuming tasks such as to determine which learners pass or fail a grade or tasks such as the manufacturing of vehicles can be performed..

  • Computers are used for a wide range of tasks, including data processing, storage and retrieval, communication, entertainment, education, research, and many others.
    Some common specific uses of computers include: Word processing and other office tasks.
  • Examples include city planning, law enforcement, traffic, and tourism.
    Computers can be used to store information, promote services, communicate internally and externally, as well as for routine administrative purposes.
  • The strengths of using a computer system are speed, accuracy, high storage capacity, versatility, and reliability.
    The weaknesses of a computer system include zero IQ and lack of decision making power or dependency, and no feelings.
Jan 17, 2019Good points1.It can do the things which a smartphone can't do.2. It has less b-rays than mobile .3. It gives you more efficiency and requires less time  What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer?What are the pros and cons of computers? - QuoraWhat is the positive impact of computers on society? - QuoraWhat are the positive and negative impacts of computers to society?More results from www.quora.com
Jan 17, 2019Using computers has many benefits, such as: Good points: 1. Efficiency: Computers can process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, making tasks much  What is the positive impact of computers on society? - QuoraWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer?What are the positive and negative impacts of computers to society?What are some advantages and disadvantages of using a computer More results from www.quora.com
Sep 12, 20221. Easy collaboration2. Fast access to information3. Quick file transfer4. Easy organization5. Helpful tools2. Fixing and upgrading 

A Doorway to The Future

Computers have been serving the purpose of accomplishing things that the human brain cannot process.
Even though we are the superior species that ever walked on earth in terms of intelligence and the ability to invent things, we are still incapable of certain things which the computer can do much better.
Using it, we were able to accomplish a lot o.


Access to A Wide Array of Data on The Internet

Using computers isn’t limited to studying on an official course.
They can be used to browse a nearly limitless list of topics of interest to you.
This will satisfy your curiosity and help you find answers, no matter how stupid the question is sometimes.
You can also find groups of like-minded individuals, or even start a business or find a job.


Automation and Assistance

The advantage of computers getting smaller with the advancement of technologyis that they can be integrated into various industries.
Although there are thousands of implementations, and thousands more in development, engineering, and office-based tasks jump out to us.
For example, production lines in factories can be automated, and hire employees o.



Convenience can be sorted under both advantages and disadvantages of technology.
We’ll list it as an advantage of using computers here, but make its drawbacks apparent below.
The most obvious benefit is ordering food, clothes, furniture, household items, and other types of service from the comfort of your couch or computer chair.
You can also spend.


Data Storage

Having more than one hard drive inside one computer case carried a wide variety of benefits.
It allows you to keep a massive database of things personal to you.
Those can be journals, pictures, videos, chat logs, school projects, and much, much more.
But it also allows you to download and store collections of movies, TV shows, e-books, video games,.


Education and Communication

Just go to a library connected to a school and university, and the effects will become apparent.
The majority of students will have a laptop on their lap or the table.
Computers have helped education by making books, presentations, and audio/video content available for consumption in a digital format.
This eliminates the need for heavy books that q.


How do Computers improve productivity?

Computers have dramatically enhanced productivity by automating tasks and performing complex calculations in a fraction of the time it would take humans.

  • In business
  • accounting software expedites financial calculations
  • reducing manual errors and saving valuable time. 2.
    Access to Information .
  • ,

    Is a computer good or bad?

    A computer is a small, powerful, helpful, and complete automated machine for humankind.
    Although the computer today is a great convenience for many of us and brings many advantages.
    But, unfortunately, it brings not only benefits but also harms that you need to be aware of.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer?

    We’ll get into both in our list of advantages and disadvantages of using a computer.
    The computer, as we all know, has a lot of advantages.
    Irrespective of the configuration and available resources, a computer is always useful.
    These are the advantages of using computers. 1.
    Workflow, organization, and productivity increase .


    What are the long-term consequences of using a laptop?

    Because it is common for enthusiasts to play on their computers for hours at a time, long-term consequences can include:

  • obesity
  • poor eating habits
  • and social isolation.
    Laptop computers and other mobile devices allow many people to work from home or be on call 24 hours a day, making it harder to keep work and home life separate.
  • ,

    Workflow, Organization, and Productivity Increase

    Computers improve and speed up workflow, especially in large companies that have hundreds of employees.
    Being connected to one large system of computers eliminates the need for files having to be written or printed on paper, and for employees to walk from floor-to-floor to interact.
    In most cases, unless they went on a lunch or a bathroom break or .

    What are good and bad points of using computers
    What are good and bad points of using computers

    2001 video game

    Conker's Bad Fur Day is a 2001 platform game developed and published by Rare for the Nintendo 64.
    The game follows Conker, a greedy, hard-drinking red squirrel who must return home to his girlfriend after binge drinking.
    Most of the game requires the player to complete a linear sequence of challenges that involve jumping over obstacles, solving puzzles, and fighting enemies.
    A multiplayer mode in which up to four players can compete against each other in seven different game types is also included.
    It is the second installment in the Conker series, after Conker’s Pocket Tales.


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