Conflict resolution quizlet nha

  • How should you handle conflict resolution quizlet?


    1. Get the facts (clarify the problem)
    2. Identify possible solutions together (each person brainstorm solutions)
    3. Evaluate options together (everyone involved = more accepting)
    4. Work together to choose and implement the solution
    5. Follow-up and evaluate the solution together

  • What is conflict resolution quizlet answers?

    conflict resolution. refers to the various ways in which people or organizations deal with social conflict. social conflict. exists when two or more parties have differences in beliefs, values, positions, or interests, whether the divergence is real or perceived..

  • What is the conflict resolution quizlet?

    Conflict resolution is the process by which an agreement to a conflict or problem is reached..

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The FIVE stages of Conflict Resolution:, 1) DEFINE THE CONFLICT, 2) EXAMINE POSSIBLE 

What are the four approaches to conflict resolution?

The Direct Approach is candid and straightforward .
The Empathic Approach is reassuring and expr essive .
The Diplomatic Approach is tactful and flexible .
The Analytical Approach is objective and reflective .
Agreements and solutions rarely happen unless each person involved finds a way to balance all four approaches.


What is confrontation in conflict resolution?

In the conflict resolution module I learned that confrontation is not about who’s wrong or right it’s all about getting the problem out there and fixing it before it comes a bigger problem to the relationship.


What is role-taking in conflict resolution?

Role-taking- This technique is a variation on renaming the problem.
The process involves the parties of the conflict taking on the position or perspective of the other side.
While in that role, an individual presents as many convincing arguments as possible in support of the other party’s position.


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