Managing conflict between stakeholders

  • How do you handle conflict between stakeholders?

    Turn Conflict into a Problem-Solving Exercise
    Seek to understand the differences of opinions and makes them transparent, carefully leading individuals and groups to find common ground.
    This is more than consensus.
    Problem-solving leads to a mutual commitment by the stakeholders with greater buy-in and support..

  • What are the 3 main conflicts between stakeholders?

    Examples of stakeholder conflicts

    Owners vs.
    Shareholders want more profit while employees want higher salaries, better benefits and more comfortable working conditions. Suppliers vs.
    Managers. Managers vs.

  • Conflict requires companies to effectively manage stakeholder interests.
    Not all stakeholders are strategic for the company.
    Thus, companies must identify which ones should be prioritized.
    By placing priorities and dealing fairly with them, the company minimizes its negative impact on the company.
In this article, you will learn some strategic thinking skills and techniques to help you handle stakeholder conflicts effectively and constructively.
  1. 1 Identify the sources and types of conflict.
  2. 2 Communicate and listen actively.
  3. 3 Analyze and prioritize the issues.
  4. 4 Generate and evaluate options.
Open and transparent communication is the cornerstone of conflict resolution. Project managers should establish clear lines of communication and encourage stakeholders to express their concerns openly. Regular updates on project status and potential issues can help prevent misunderstandings and ease tensions.

How do you manage conflict in a project?

Whenever you face strong differences in opinions, determine how you will manage the conflict.
Here are five common conflict management techniques:

  1. Withdrawing

Some project managers hate conflict and avoid it as much as possible.
Withdrawing from the conflict does not make it go away.

How do you manage stakeholder engagement?

You can use tools such as:

  1. stakeholder maps
  2. matrices
  3. registers to document and categorize your stakeholders based on their power
  4. interest
  5. influence
  6. attitude

This will help you to prioritize and tailor your communication and engagement strategies for each stakeholder group.

How to manage stakeholder conflicts & expectations?

You can also use techniques such as:

  1. active listening
  2. empathy
  3. assertiveness
  4. problem-solving to understand the root causes
  5. perspectives
  6. emotions of the conflicting parties and find a mutually acceptable solution

The fifth step to manage stakeholder conflicts and expectations is to manage changes and risks that may affect the project.


Based on these descriptions of the projects, we can glean the following recommendations for clarifying and aligning expectations, and managing any conflicts between them.


What should a project manager do if expectations conflict?

Newtown Square, PA:

  1. Project Management Institute

Project stakeholders have expectations.
When those expectations conflict, project managers should be wary of potentially dangerous situations.
They must address and resolve the conflict, or run the risk of injury to both the project and themselves.


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