Quizlet conflict resolution

  • What is dispute resolution quizlet?

    Two methods of dispute resolution: litigation and alternative dispute resolution.
    Litigation refers to lawsuits, the process of filing claims in court, and ultimately going to trial.
    Alternative dispute resolution is any other formal or informal process used to settle disputes without resorting to a trial.

  • Which is the best approach to conflict resolution quizlet?

    The collaboration approach to conflict management is the best to use in all situations.
    While the collaboration approach has many advantages, it is not universally superior to the other techniques.
    An effective mediation strategy for bringing the two sides together is trying to get both parties to attack you..

  • Resolution.
    Ability of a microscope to distinguish two objects as separate from one another.
    Resolving Power.
    The smaller and closer together the objects that can be distinguished as separate, the higher the resolution.
A life skill that involves solving a disagreement in a way that satisfies both sides. Punishment, injury, or insult to the person seen as the cause of the strong emotion. When both sides in a conflict agree to give up something to reach a solution that will satisfy everyone.

What are the principles of conflict?

The definition of conflict can be extended from single people to groups and more than two parties can be involved in a conflict.
The principles remain the same.
A common element found in all definitions is the divergent goals and interest of two actors or parties who resort to various means in pursuit of achieving their objectives.


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