Conjunctive subset and range queries on encrypted data

  • Can end to end encryption be decrypted?

    With E.

    1. EE, the sender or creator encrypts the data, and only the intended receiver or reader can decrypt it.
    2. Asymmetric, or public-key cryptography, encrypts and decrypts the data using two separate cryptographic keys.

  • How does data encryption work?

    Encryption works by encoding “plaintext” into “ciphertext,” typically through the use of cryptographic mathematical models known as algorithms.
    To decode the data back to plaintext requires the use of a decryption key, a string of numbers or a password also created by an algorithm..

  • What is encryption and decryption of data?

    Encryption is the process by which a readable message is converted to an unreadable form to prevent unauthorized parties from reading it.
    Decryption is the process of converting an encrypted message back to its original (readable) format.
    The original message is called the plaintext message..

  • What is the difference between encryption and cryptography?

    Cryptography vs encryption: Cryptography is the science of concealing messages with a secret code.
    Encryption is the way to encrypt and decrypt data.
    The first is about studying methods to keep a message secret between two parties (like symmetric and asymmetric keys), and the second is about the process itself..

  • What is the main purpose of encryption in cyber security?

    Encryption uses cybersecurity to defend against brute-force and cyber-attacks, including malware and ransomware.
    Data encryption works by securing transmitted digital data on the cloud and computer systems..

  • Example.
    A woman wants to send her boyfriend a personal text, so she encrypts it using specialized software that scrambles the data into what appears to be unreadable gibberish.
    She then sends the message out, and her boyfriend, in turn, uses the correct decryption to translate it.
  • With E.
    1. EE, the sender or creator encrypts the data, and only the intended receiver or reader can decrypt it.
    2. Asymmetric, or public-key cryptography, encrypts and decrypts the data using two separate cryptographic keys.

Do public-key systems support arbitrary conjunctive queries?

We construct public-key systems that support comparison queries ( x ≥ a) on encrypted data as well as more general queries such as:

  • subset queries ( x ∈ S ).
    Furthermore, these systems support arbitrary conjunctive queries ( P 1 ∧ ⋯ ∧ P ℓ) without leaking information on individual conjuncts.
  • ,

    How can a secret key be used to test a query predicate?

    This can be done using non-interactive proof techniques [6, 7].
    In public key systems supporting queries on encrypted data a secret key can produce tokens for testing any supported query predicate.
    The token lets anyone test the predicate on a given cipher- text without learning any other information about the plaintext.


    What are conjunctive and subset queries on encrypted data?

    Conjunctive, Subset, and Range Queries on Encrypted Data We construct public-key systems that support comparison queries (x ≥ a) on encrypted data as well as more general queries such as:

  • subset queries (x ∈ S).
    These systems support arbitrary conjunctive queries (P1∧· · ·∧P`) without leaking information on individual conjuncts.
  • ,

    What is a query on encrypted data?

    Queries on encrypted data are easiest to explain with an example.
    Consider a credit card payment gateway that observes a stream of encrypted transactions, say encrypted under Visa’s public key.
    The gateway needs to flag all transactions satisfying a certain predicate P .
    Say, all transactions whose value is over $1000.


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