Conjunctive concept example

  • What is an example of a disjunctive concept?

    An example of an experimental definition of a disjunctive concept is “a triangle, a blue figure, or both.” By this definition any triangle whether or not blue and any blue figure whether or not triangular would qualify for membership in the category; all other instances would be excluded..

  • What is an example of a relational concept?

    Relational concepts.
    They classify objects on the basis of their relationship to something else or by the relationship between features of an object.
    Larger, above, left, north, and upside down are all relational concepts..

  • This is called a sample of the target concept.
    The task is to produce an existential conjunctive concept that is consistent with the sample, in that it contains all instances from positive examples and none from negative examples, or to detect when no existential conjunctive concept is consistent with the sample.
a concept that is defined by a set of attributes, every member of which must be present for the concept to apply. For example, the concept brother requires the joint presence of the attributes (a) male and (b) sibling, neither of which may be omitted.

What are conjunctive adverbs list?

What Are Conjunctive Adverbs? (with Examples) A conjunctive adverb is a word (or short phrase) that provides a link to the previous sentence or previous independent clause.
Here is a list of common conjunctive adverbs:

  • also; consequently; furthermore; however; incidentally; indeed; likewise; meanwhile; nevertheless; nonetheless; therefore .
  • ,

    What are the conjunctive adverbs?

    What Are Conjunctive Adverbs? (with Examples) A conjunctive adverb is a word (or short phrase) that provides a link to the previous sentence or previous independent clause.
    Here is a list of common conjunctive adverbs:

  • also consequently furthermore however incidentally indeed likewise meanwhile nevertheless nonetheless therefore .
  • ,

    What is an example of a conjunction?

    What is an example of a conjunction.
    Conjunctions are for connecting thoughts, actions, and ideas as well as nouns, clauses, and other parts of speech.
    For example:

  • Mary went to the supermarket and bought oranges.
    Conjunctions are useful for making lists.
    For example:We made pancakes, eggs, and coffee for breakfast..
  • Concept with both descriptive and evaluative content

    In philosophy, a thick concept is a kind of concept that both has a significant degree of descriptive content and is evaluatively loaded.
    Paradigmatic examples are various virtues and vices such as courage, cruelty, truthfulness and kindness.
    Courage for example, may be given a rough characterization in descriptive terms as '...opposing danger to promote a valued end'.
    At the same time, characterizing someone as courageous typically involves expressing a pro-attitude, or a good-making quality – i.e. an evaluative statement.


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