Constitutional theory of the presidency

  • What is the theory of the presidency?

    The unitary executive theory is a normative theory of United States constitutional law which holds that the President of the United States possesses the power to control the entire federal executive branch..

This view might have spared the nation the consequences of the Bush era. To recapitulate: the executive exists in an institutional con text that includes 

Term for excessive US presidential power

Imperial presidency is a term applied to the modern presidency of the United States.
It became popular in the 1960s and served as the title of a 1973 book by historian Arthur M.
Schlesinger, Jr., who wrote The Imperial Presidency to address two concerns: that the presidency was uncontrollable and that it had exceeded its constitutional limits.
According to professor of political science Thomas E.
Cronin, author of The State of the Presidency, the imperial presidency is a term used to define a danger to the American constitutional system by allowing presidents to create and abuse presidential prerogatives during national emergencies.
This was based on: (1) presidential war powers vaguely defined in the Constitution, and (2) secrecy – a system used that shielded the Presidency from the usual checks and balances afforded by the legislative and judicial branches.
Constitutional theory of the presidency
Constitutional theory of the presidency

U.S. presidential administration from 2017 to 2021

Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on Januarynowrap20, 2017, and ended on Januarynowrap> 20, 2021.
Trump, a Republican from New York City, took office following his Electoral College victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, in which he lost the popular vote to Clinton by nearly three million votes.
Upon his inauguration, he became the first president in American history without prior public office or military background.
Trump made an unprecedented number of false or misleading statements during his campaign and presidency.
His presidency ended with defeat in the 2020 presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden after one term in office.
The president of France

The president of France

Head of state of France

The president of France, officially the president of the French Republic, is the executive head of state of France, and the commander-in-chief of the French Armed Forces.
As the presidency is the supreme magistracy of the country, the position is the highest office in France.
The powers, functions and duties of prior presidential offices, in addition to their relation with the prime minister and government of France, have over time differed with the various constitutional documents since the Second Republic.
The Imperial Presidency is a nonfiction book by historian Arthur M

The Imperial Presidency is a nonfiction book by historian Arthur M

1973 non-fiction book by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

The Imperial Presidency is a nonfiction book by historian Arthur M.
Schlesinger Jr.
It was published in 1973 by Houghton Mifflin and reissued in 2004.
The book details the history of the presidency of the United States from its conception by the Founding Fathers through the latter half of the 20th century, primarily in the aspects of war powers.
Schlesinger's book popularized the term imperial presidency to describe excesses of executive power. The Imperial Presidency has been described as the most prominent school of thought on executive war powers and a lens through which to understand and critique the executive branch in the post-9/11 world.


Constitutional theory of the state
Constitutional fate theory of the constitution
Genetic constitutional theory
Constitutional theory in criminology
Constitutional theory in psychology
Constitution theory in philosophy
Constitution theory is known as
Constitutional interpretation theories
Constitutionalism theory
Constitution theory logical positivism
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Living constitution theory
Constitutional moment theory
Originalist constitutional theory meaning
Modern constitutional theory
Constitutional norms theory
Living constitution theory name
Constitutional theory oxford
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