Construction procedure for flexible pavement

  • How is flexible pavement constructed?

    What Is Flexible Pavement? Flexible pavement consists of a surface layer of bitumen-bound aggregate (asphalt concrete), several lower layers of appropriate quality aggregate and the subgrade beneath.
    The layers enable the pavement to “bend”, reducing damage and the need for repairs over time..

  • Road pavement layers

    Here are the most popular methods of road construction, including asphalt and gravel road construction methodology, murram road construction methods, among others.

    1. Asphalt road construction
    2. Concrete road construction
    3. Water-bound macadam road construction
    4. Murram road construction
    5. Earth road construction

  • What are the methods of flexible pavement?

    Design method such as CBR, GI, IRC, Bermister layer method.
    From this method, we can determine the thickness of flexible pavement by using GI, CBR, and IRC method.
    Flexible pavements are those which are surfaced with bituminous (or asphalt) materials..

  • What is the construction method of flexible pavement?

    Flexible pavements are constructed of several thicknesses of asphalt or bituminous concrete layers overlying a base of granular material on a prepared subgrade.
    They spread the concentrated aircraft wheel loads throughout their depth until the load at the base of the pavement is less than….

  • What is the construction method of flexible pavement?

    In flexible road construction, one or more layers of selected granular material are laid and compacted over the subgrade.
    As-dug, naturally occurring materials are often used, but greater performance is gained by using manufactured, crushed aggregates.Mar 24, 2021.

  • What is the process of constructing a rigid pavement?

    Here are the general steps involved in the construction of rigid pavement:

    1. Preparing the Subgrade.
    2. This is the first step in the construction of rigid pavement.
    3. Provision of Subbase Course
    4. Preparation of Base Course
    5. Preparation of Surface Course

  • What is the structural design of flexible pavement?

    The structural design of a flexible pave- ment consists of the determination of a suitable thickness of the pavement which will insure sufficiently wide distribution of wheel-load pressures to prevent the subgrade from deforming in a manner which will cause stresses in the stabilized base course in excess of those .

  • Here are the most popular methods of road construction, including asphalt and gravel road construction methodology, murram road construction methods, among others.

    1. Asphalt road construction
    2. Concrete road construction
    3. Water-bound macadam road construction
    4. Murram road construction
    5. Earth road construction
  • Flexible pavements are constructed of several thicknesses of asphalt or bituminous concrete layers overlying a base of granular material on a prepared subgrade.
    They spread the concentrated aircraft wheel loads throughout their depth until the load at the base of the pavement is less than…
Apr 29, 2020Flexible Road Construction Method Process Step by Step- Sub-grade, Sub-base, Base, Pavement, Rolling, Test1. Preparation of Sub-Grade2.
Flexible Road Construction Method Process Step by Step
  1. Preparation of Sub-grade,
  2. Preparation of Sub-base course,
  3. Preparation of base course,
  4. Bituminous Coat. a. Prime Coat. b. Tack Coat.
  5. Paving of Bituminous Mix.
  6. Rolling.
  7. Seal Coat.
In flexible road construction, one or more layers of selected granular material are laid and compacted over the subgrade. As-dug, naturally occurring materials are often used, but greater performance is gained by using manufactured, crushed aggregates.

Advantages of Flexible Pavement

The advantages of flexible pavement can be listed as follows: a.
The initial construction cost is low. b.
It doesn’t require joints. c.
There is no effect of temperature variation on stress variation. d.
Repair works can be carried out quickly. e.
The thickness can be increased easily as per the need. f.
No glare due to sunlight. (Glare: shine with.


Construction of Flexible Pavement

The general construction can be sub-divided as follows: a.
Sub-grade Course Construction: Generally, the materials used to construct the sub-grade course include natural soil or murram.
The construction procedure consists of uniformly spreading the natural soil layer and then compacting it at optimum moisture content. b.
Sub-base Course Constructio.


General Cross-Section of Flexible Pavement

A typical cross-section of a flexible pavement consists of the following layers: Fig 2: Cross-section of flexible pavement a.
Surface Course: The surface course is the topmost layer of the flexible pavement and is generally the layer of the best quality as it has to withstand maximum stress and wear and tear.
It is primarily designed to resist the .


Types of Flexible Pavement

Flexible pavements may be classified into the following categories: a.
Full-Depth Asphalt Pavement: The type of flexible pavement that consists of a directly placed bituminous layer over the sub-grade layer is known as full-depth asphalt pavement.
Such flexible pavement is usually preferred in areas where local construction materials are unavailabl.


What is a flexible pavement structure?

Flexible pavement structures are constructed of a flexible pavement (typically asphalt) surface layer that is placed over a treated or untreated base layer and an untreated subbase layer.
Flexible pavement types and procedures are found in Chapter 630 of the Highway Design Manual (HDM).


What is a sub-grade in flexible pavement?

The sub-grade is the lowermost layer of the flexible pavement and usually consists of a compacted layer of natural soil.
Its primary function is to bear all the imposed stresses from the upper layers. 3.
Types of Flexible Pavement .


Where can I find rehabilitation design procedures & strategies for flexible pavement?

Rehabilitation design procedures and strategies for flexible pavement may be found in HDM Topic 635.
Examples of rehabilitation designs may be found on the Department pavement website at:

  • (1) Design Example 1 - Undrained Pavement structures Designed per California R-values of Underlying Layers (HMA/AB/AS or HMA/CTB-B/AS).
  • ,

    Which type of pavement transmits imposed wheel load to underlying layers?

    The type of highway pavement that transmits the imposed wheel load to the underlying layers by a grain-to-grain transfer mechanism and is commonly constructed utilizing bitumen & aggregates is known as flexible pavement.
    The load transfer mechanism is depicted in fig 1.


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