Constructivist capitalism

  • What is a constructivist approach in economics?

    The concept of economic constructivism argues that the interpretation of "economic reality" goes beyond conventional explanations of the actor's economic behavior, or of the rise and fall of all socio-economic systems, including the practices that support or degrade them. world is affected by human theories..

  • What is a constructivist view of the economy?

    Constructivists believe that actors are dynamic, and their economic identity and economic interests may change in context and over time. "Who are the actors" and "what do the actors want" is determined by the interactions with other actors and by the wider economic context in which they find themselves..

  • What is constructivism in political economy?

    As a result, constructivism is the view that the best set of political principles is the outcome of an appropriate form of thinking.
    Importantly, there is no criterion beyond this form of thinking by which we can assess the appropriateness of the principles..

  • What is constructivist theory of economy?

    Economic constructivism aims to demonstrate or at least describe how economic identities are adopted by actors and how those identities could give rise to new economic interests of actors..

  • What is Marxism and constructivism?

    While constructivism only aims to study and explain reality, Marxism is an operational theory, in which, as I have shown, also the 'scientific' observation of reality has normative, deterministic goals..

A constructivist account of varieties of capitalism : state interventions into naïve theories of British and German home ownership and mortgage markets.
Abstract. This thesis offers a constructivist framework to set out political features in capitalist diversity that the current literatures on „Varieties of 


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