Consumer behavior cannot be influenced

  • Can consumer behavior be influenced?

    Consumer behavior is influenced by many external factors and internal factors such as situational, psychological, environmental, and marketing factors, personal factors, family, and culture..

  • How can consumer Behaviour be influenced?

    Consumer behavior is influenced by many external factors and internal factors such as situational, psychological, environmental, and marketing factors, personal factors, family, and culture..

  • What are the limitations of consumer behavior?

    Limitations of the model
    An economic model of consumer behaviour is one-dimensional, which means that decisions are made on the basis of utility.
    This model assumes that people will always be the same.
    It ignores differences between buyers and products, their values or interests, age, or gender..

  • Which of the following does not influence the consumer behaviour?

    The factor that does not influence the consumer when deciding whether or not to buy a product is: D.
    Explanation:Consumer behavior refers to the actions and decisions of buyers who purchase goods and services for personal or household use..

  • Consumer behaviour does NOT consist of Producing.
    Explanation: “Consumer behaviour may be defined as the behaviour that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, suing, evaluating and disposing of produces, services and ideas which they expect will satisfy their needs.” Schiffman and Kanuk.
  • Psychological (motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, and attitudes) Personal (age and life-cycle stage, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle, personality, and self-concept) Social (reference groups, family, roles, and status)
  • The four psychological factors affecting consumer behaviour are motivation, perception, learning, and beliefs and attitudes.
    The act of motivating someone involves triggering their innate desires and wants.
    It may also be referred to as consumer requirements and goals.
Consumer behavior cannot be influenced. False. It is easy to change a person's attitude by reasoning with them. False. Cultural factors exert a broad and deep 
The consumer cannot be viewed as an abstract, making random decisions based upon convenience, opportunity or chance.

What influences consumer behaviour?

Consumer behaviour depends also on the characteristics of what is consumed and on how products and services are marketed

These two influences are illustrated by the notion of income elasticity of demand in economics and by the concept of “marketing mix” in the marketing discipline


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