Consumer behaviour concepts and theories

  • Consumer behavior theories list

    The most popular approaches to consumer behaviour can be divided into cognitive, behaviourist and psychodynamic categories.
    Cognitive approach to consumer behaviour focuses on information processing capabilities of consumers (Schmitt, 2003)..

  • What are the concepts of consumer behavior theory?

    It includes the study of what, why, when, where and how often they purchase and how they use the purchased product.
    In addition, it encompasses all the behaviours that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satiSfy their needs..

  • What is consumer behaviour theory of?

    It means that the needs and wants of a consumer for different goods and services create its demand in the market and hence, the need to produce them.
    A consumer consumes not only goods, but also a variety of services.
    Hence, the consumers in a market enhance the diversification of different services.Apr 6, 2023.

The theories of consumer behavior stem from several premises. Although these theories vary, it can be stated that the main presupposition is that the consumer always attempts to act rationally, i.e. strives to extract the maximum benefit and usefulness out of a buying decision.

What is batheories & consumer behaviour?

BATheories is where we talk about the various business theories and models for BA (Business Administration) students

Consumer behaviour refers to the physiological process related to the emotions of the consumer

What is consumer behaviour?

Consumer behaviour is the study of how individuals or groups buy, use and dispose of goods, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants

It is the behaviour that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs

×Consumer behavior theories and concepts are models that explain how and why consumers make purchasing decisions. Some of the common theories and concepts are:
  • Utility maximization, which assumes that consumers seek to maximize their benefit from buying products.
  • Non-satiation, which assumes that consumers always want to consume more.
  • Decreasing marginal utility, which assumes that consumers lose satisfaction with a product the more they consume it.
  • Psychoanalytic theory, which assumes that consumers are influenced by their emotions and subconscious desires.
  • Veblenian social-psychological theory, which assumes that consumers are influenced by social and cultural norms and status.
  • Reasoned action theory, which assumes that consumers are rational and consider their attitudes and subjective norms before buying.
  • Maslow's motivation-need theory, which assumes that consumers are motivated by different levels of needs, from basic to self-actualization.
  • Hawkins Stern impulse buying theory, which assumes that consumers are triggered by external stimuli and internal states to buy impulsively.


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