Consumer electronics capex

  • How much is the consumer electronics market worth?

    The global consumer electronics market size was valued at US$ 723 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit US$ 1264.52 billion by 2032, poised to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.80% during the forecast period 2023 to 2032..

  • What can be included in CapEx?

    Capital expenditures are long-term investments, meaning the assets purchased have a useful life of one year or more.
    Types of capital expenditures can include purchases of property, equipment, land, computers, furniture, and software..

  • What is CapEx in electrical?

    Capital expenditures include the upfront cost of generation technologies, utility poles, electrical wires, substations, transformers, and other electrical equipment, as well as long-term interest payments required to finance upfront capital costs..

  • What is customer CapEx?

    A capital expenditure, or Capex, is money invested by a company to acquire or upgrade fixed, physical or nonconsumable assets.
    Capex is primarily a one-time investment in nonconsumable assets used to maintain existing levels of operation within a company and to foster its future growth..

  • What is the CapEx for semiconductors in 2023?

    July 17, 2023 /SemiMedia/ -- According to reports, the total capital expenditure (CapEx) of global semiconductor manufacturers in 2023 is expected to drop by 14% from 2022 to $156 billion.
    The report pointed out that the largest decline in capital expenditure is the storage semiconductor manufacturer..

  • A capital expenditure, or Capex, is money invested by a company to acquire or upgrade fixed, physical or nonconsumable assets.
    Capex is primarily a one-time investment in nonconsumable assets used to maintain existing levels of operation within a company and to foster its future growth.
  • July 17, 2023 /SemiMedia/ -- According to reports, the total capital expenditure (CapEx) of global semiconductor manufacturers in 2023 is expected to drop by 14% from 2022 to $156 billion.
    The report pointed out that the largest decline in capital expenditure is the storage semiconductor manufacturer.
Consumer Electronics Industry Capital Expenditures current, historic quarterly and Annual growth rates, statistics and averages - CSIMarket from 3 Q 2023 to 

What percentage of the semiconductor market is CAPEX?

Since 1980, semiconductor CapEx as a percentage of the semiconductor market has averaged 23%

However, the percentage has varied from 12% to 34% on an annual basis and from 18% to 29% on a five-year-average basis

The 5-year average shows a cyclical trend

The first 5-year average peak was in 1985 at 28%

Who is the largest spender of semiconductor CapEx in 2023?

The three largest spenders (Samsung, TSMC and Intel) will account for about 60% of total semiconductor CapEx in 2023

The high growth years for semiconductor CapEx tend to be the peak growth years for the semiconductor market for each cycle


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