Consumer law qld contact

  • How do I contact Qld consumer affairs?

    You can report a consumer issue or make an enquiry using our online form.
    Phone 1300 302 502..

  • How do I file a complaint against a company in Australia?

    Consumer goods and services complaints

    1. ACT: Access Canberra website or 13 22 81
    2. NSW: Fair Trading NSW website or 13 32 20
    3. Northern Territory: NT Consumer Affairs website or 1800 019 319
    4. Queensland: Office of Fair Trading Queensland website or 13 74 68
    5. South Australia: Consumer and Business Services website or 13 18 82

  • What is the consumer legislation in Qld?

    The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (which replaced the Trade Practices Act 1974 on 1 January 2011) aims to give businesses a fair and competitive operating environment.
    It covers anti-competitive conduct, price fixing, unconscionable conduct and other issues, such as advertising..

  • What is the consumer protection in Qld?

    The ACL governs the way businesses operate and their obligations to consumers.
    For consumers, the ACL enshrines basic marketplace rights, including the right to a refund for faulty goods, the right not to be misled by advertising, and the right to be protected from unfair contract terms..

  • The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) aims to deliver a fair and safe marketplace for Queensland consumers and businesses.
    We do this by: supplying information and advice about rights and responsibilities. enforcing consumer protection laws.May 10, 2023
Jun 2, 2023Find a list of organisations that can help in your dispute. Get details for general complaints, product safety, scams and industry-specific 

What is the Australian Consumer Law (ACL)?


] The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) started in 2011 as the single, national consumer protection and fair trading law

The ACL governs the way businesses operate and their obligations to consumers

Where can I find information about consumer laws in Queensland?

For information about consumer laws and their enforcement in Queensland, you can visit the Office of Fair Trading website, which is part of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General

The ACL replaced the following fair trading and consumer protection laws in QLD:


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