Contract law vocabulary

  • What are the 7 concepts of a contract?

    Key contract terms are the major provisions of a contract, which spell out contractual obligations, violating them can result in a breach of contract and lead to a legal action.
    It's common knowledge that a legally binding contract puts several relevant factors into consideration..

  • What is language in contract law?

    Exact words
    The rules of law that apply to contracts make precise word use in contracts important.
    If the language in a contract is clear, explicit, and unambiguous, no additional evidence can be considered regarding what the contract means and what the parties intended..

  • What is language in contract law?

    Key contract terms are the major provisions of a contract, which spell out contractual obligations, violating them can result in a breach of contract and lead to a legal action.
    It's common knowledge that a legally binding contract puts several relevant factors into consideration..

  • What is the vocabulary of contract?

    Exact words
    The rules of law that apply to contracts make precise word use in contracts important.
    If the language in a contract is clear, explicit, and unambiguous, no additional evidence can be considered regarding what the contract means and what the parties intended..

  • What is the vocabulary of contract?

    partyIf both parties agree, the contract can be altered.stipulatev. to specify as an essential condition - stipulation n.As stipulated in the contract, the apartment cannot be sublet to a third party.termsn. conditions or stipulations.

  • What is the vocabulary of contract?

    The elements of a contract include identification, offer, acceptance, consideration, meeting of the minds, competency and capacity, and contract legality.
    Preferably, the document will be in writing (electronic or on paper)..

What is a contract terms glossary?

A contract terms glossary is a short dictionary of contract terms

Abeyance — Momentary suspension of activity

Abscond — To run away to avoid prosecution

Accord and satisfaction — An agreement that puts an end to obligations and settles a legal dispute between two or more entities

A Latin term which means “from the beginning”. You might see a contract referred to as “void ab initio”. This means it was inv…


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