Contract law warranty

  • Is a warranty part of a contract?

    In contracts, a warranty is a stipulation that makes part of the contract.
    Therefore, the warrantor must strictly comply with the warranty.
    Otherwise, there would be a breach of warranty.
    Warranty and guarantee do not have the same legal meaning..

  • What are conditions warranties in contract law?

    Warranty and condition in contract law refer to specific stipulations set in a contract of sale.
    A contract is an agreement that takes place between two parties to complete a mutual transaction.
    Warranty and condition include the specific features of those terms..

  • What are the principles of warranty in contract law?

    In business and legal transactions, a warranty is an assurance by one party to the other party that certain facts or conditions are true or will happen.
    The party who purchases the product is permitted to rely on the warranty and seek legal remedy if the warranty is breached.
    A warranty is express or implied or both..

  • What are warranties in a contract example?

    Company hereby represents and warrants that any Product sold under this Agreement and any replacement Product (a) is free and clear of any liens, security interests, or encumbrances of any nature; (b) has been designed, manufactured, labeled, packaged, stored, exported, and sold by Company in accordance with all .

  • What is the concept of warranty?

    A warranty means that a manufacturer or seller will replace or repair an item under specific conditions and circumstances.
    Generally, the conditions and covered issues are outlined in the warranty document..

  • What is the legal definition of warranty?

    A warranty is a voluntary promise that a person or business makes when selling a product or service.
    Once the consumer buys the product or service, the warranty becomes a legal right.
    Businesses must comply with any warranties they have provided..

  • What is the warranty clause in a contract?

    Depending on the type of contract, a warranty clause may cover the products or services to be exchanged.
    For example, in a sale of goods, the warranty clause will generally promise that the seller will provide goods that are free of defects, otherwise the buyer can seek a legal remedy for the breach..

  • What is the warranty clause in law?

    A warranty is a promise that a particular statement made is true at the date of the contract.
    A breach of warranty gives rise to a claim for breach of contract – the main remedy being an award of damages..

  • A warranty means that a manufacturer or seller will replace or repair an item under specific conditions and circumstances.
    Generally, the conditions and covered issues are outlined in the warranty document.
  • Depending on the type of contract, a warranty clause may cover the products or services to be exchanged.
    For example, in a sale of goods, the warranty clause will generally promise that the seller will provide goods that are free of defects, otherwise the buyer can seek a legal remedy for the breach.
  • The warranty is express when created by the apt and explicit statements of the seller; it is implied when the law derives it from implication or inference from the nature of transaction or the relative situation or circumstances of the parties.
A warranty in contract law is a promise or guarantee from one party to another that the facts are true and reliable. A contractual warranty is a obligation that the facts that relate to the subject of the contract are true.
A warranty is a term of a contract, the breach of which entitles the innocent party to terminate the contract and claim damages, or affirm the contract despite the breach and claim damages In the consumer context, it is an obligation to repair or replace goods for a specified period.

Express Warranties

An express warranty is clearly declared either in writing or verbally. No matter if it is spoken or written, an express warranty is a guarantee that the product or …

Implied Warranties

An implied warranty is automatic coverage for most goods that are valued above a certain amount. However, it only provides a base level of consumer protection. M…
Contract law warranty
Contract law warranty

Real estate transfer with title guarantee

A warranty deed is a type of deed where the grantor (seller) guarantees that they hold clear title to a piece of real estate and has a right to sell it to the grantee (buyer), in contrast to a quitclaim deed, where the seller does not guarantee that they hold title to a piece of real estate.
A general warranty deed protects the grantee against title defects arising at any point in time, extending back to the property's origins.
A special warranty deed protects the grantee only against title defects arising from the actions or omissions of the grantor.


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