Contract law exam tips

Mar 28, 2023Many law students find contract exams more difficult. Use this organizational trick to break down any contract law question.

How do I become a contract lawyer?

Go to class

Law school lectures are imperative to attend and participate in

When you walk into your first contract law class, you will likely encounter the famed Socratic Method (or "cold-calling")

How do I prepare for contract law class?

Complete the required homework

Preparing for class will most likely involve reading a substantial number of judicial decisions ("cases") and background information on the theories of contract law out of a textbook

This reading is really important to not only read, but to understand

How do I read the law of contracts?

The law of contracts is based on state common law, which means your reading will mostly involve important state judicial decisions concerning different aspects of the law of contracts

Take notes while you are reading

If you are reading a case, you can brief it

Getting Ready for Your Exam

  • 1 Understand what a contract law exam looks like. The final task in most law school classes will be in the form of a final exam (or you may have both a midterm and a final exam). ...
  • 2 Make a comprehensive outline. ...
  • 3 Quiz yourself. ...
  • 4 Use online interactive tools. ...
  • 5 Take practice exams. ...
  • 6 Form a study group. ...


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