Contract law facts

  • What is fact in contract law?

    In contract law, a mistake of fact is what occurs when one or both parties involved in a contract have mistaken a term that is essential to the meaning of the contract.
    An example of this would be if the contract states that a shipment of “plates” is to be delivered.
    Here, the contract is referring to paper plates..

  • What is the important fact of a contract?

    Certainty and Possibility of Performance
    The terms of the contract must be clear and specific enough for the parties to understand their obligations.
    Additionally, it must be possible to perform the contract's terms.
    Contracts that are too vague or impossible to perform may be unenforceable..

  • Certainty and Possibility of Performance
    The terms of the contract must be clear and specific enough for the parties to understand their obligations.
    Additionally, it must be possible to perform the contract's terms.
    Contracts that are too vague or impossible to perform may be unenforceable.

Historical development

Contract law is the product of a business civilization. It will not be found, in any significant degree, in noncommercial societies. Most primitive societi…

Roman law

The Roman law of contracts, as found in the Byzantine emperor Justinian’s law books of the 6th century ce, reflected a long economic, social, and legal evol…
Contract law strives to give legal expression to the endlessly varying desires and purposes that human beings seek to express and forward by assuming legal obligations. The resulting system is open-ended; in principle, no limits are set in modern contract law to the number of possible variations of contracts.

10 key facts about English contract law

  • 1) Privity of Contract It is important to remember only the parties to the contract may enforce the terms of the agreement. ...
  • 2) Consideration ...
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