Australian contract law website

  • Is there a contract act in Australia?

    Australian contract law is not codified or governed by any single piece of legislation, but by the common law, overseen by the courts.
    Various statutes impact upon contract law and curtail or expand a party's rights.May 7, 2015.

  • What is the contractual law in Australia?

    Australian contract law is based on the English common law, rather than on any codified or statute law.
    The basic principle of Australian contract law is freedom of contract, under which parties are at liberty to strike whatever bargain they choose.May 7, 2015.

  • Air Great Lakes Pty Ltd vs KS Easter (Holdings) Pty Ltd, Supreme Court of NSW (1989) 2 NSWLR 309.
    This Australian contract law case concerned the sale of an airline by Air Great Lakes to Easter.
    Easter decided to not go ahead with the purchase, and Air Great Lakes took Easter to court for not honouring the agreement.
Contract law encompasses any laws or regulations directed toward enforcing certain promises. We all make contracts almost every day. Whenever we buy a coffee,  OverviewCases (database)Cases (alphabetical)Consumer law
Contract law encompasses any laws or regulations directed toward enforcing certain promises. We all make contracts almost every day. Whenever we buy a coffee,  OverviewLegislationCases (database)Consumer law
Contract law encompasses any laws or regulations directed toward enforcing certain promises. We all make contracts almost every day. Whenever we buy a coffee,  OverviewLegislationCases (database)Formation

Are promises legally binding in Australia?

A promise or set of promises will be legally binding if certain criteria are met

In Australia this requires that there be: A contract is generally only enforceable by and against parties to the contract

There are also rules to determine the terms of the contract, their meaning and their classification


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