Corporate governance career path

  • What can you do with corporate governance?

    The purpose of corporate governance is to facilitate effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management that can deliver the long-term success of the company.
    Corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled.
    Boards of directors are responsible for the governance of their companies..

  • As a result, we found that the implementation of good corporate governance leads to the improvement of the financial performance of companies measured by the return on equity.
Jan 12, 2015By studying Corporate Governance you will learn the Principles of Governance; Governance in the Public and Private Sectors; Governance of 
Governance professionals lead and support effective governance within organisations. Their roles are not as widely understood as those in law, finance and 

How do people get into governance?

People get into governance in many different ways

Some fall into it whilst working with governance professionals in related areas such as law and finance, discover a passion for it and change careers

Some are simply given the governance brief as part of an existing role

What does a governance professional do?

Governance professionals lead and support effective governance within organisations

Their roles are not as widely understood as those in law, finance and management, but can make a significant difference to how an organisation performs

What is governance? Why choose a career in governance?

Why do people choose a career in governance?

Some are simply given the governance brief as part of an existing role

Others choose a career in governance from the outset because it offers a rich, varied and rewarding career

Whatever their route into the profession, or career stage, many governance professionals tell us that they love what they do because of the breadth of opportunities


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