Copyright law quoting song lyrics

  • Are lines in a book copyrighted?

    Any quotes that are in the public domain (through expiration of copyright, or otherwise) may be used freely.
    Any others are protected by copyright.
    However the use of a short quotation is often fair use under US law, or is subject to another exception to copyright elsewhere..

  • Are song titles copyright?

    Copyright law does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation.
    A copyright also does not protect song titles, band names, or slogans.
    This means an artist cannot copyright their band name or their song titles..

  • How can I copyright my lyrics for free?

    By international law, you actually own the copyright to your song (or book, artwork, or other artistic creation) as soon as you create it.
    Your copyright is free and is automatic.
    The song must be “fixed” in some way, in a written down copy or a recording..

  • How do you quote a song title?

    Generally and grammatically speaking, put titles of shorter works in quotation marks but italicize titles of longer works.
    For example, put a “song title” in quotation marks but italicize the title of the album it appears on..

  • Yes, books can mention the names of other books, songs, or movies in their stories without infringing copyright laws.
    Titles and names are typically not protected by copyright, so referencing them in another work doesn't constitute infringement.
Song lyrics are copyrighted. As copyrighted material you will need to acquire permission to use them in your writing. While acquiring rights are simple in 

Are song titles copyrightable?

An important point to remember is that titles are not copyrightable.
You might consider using the title of the song and in your own creative way—and without relying on any of its lyrics— use descriptive language that evokes a memory of the song for those readers familiar with it.


Can I quote a song in a book?

If you want to print the lyrics of a popular song in your book to set a mood, have a character sing along with the radio, or use as a lead-in to your chapters, you need permission from the copyright owner.
The writers and publishers of the lyrics you want to quote are entitled, by law, to:

  • Flat-out deny you the right to quote the lyrics.
  • ,

    Can you quote songs written after 1925?

    This post was originally published in 2013 and was updated May 2021.
    Authors have been quoting song lyrics in their books for eons, but if you plan to quote lyrics written after 1925, be prepared to do some research — and get out your checkbook — long before releasing your book.


    Should you quoting song lyrics?

    A primary question to consider when quoting song lyrics is the importance of the lyrics to your message.
    If they are important, do you need permission from their copyright owners to use them in your work.
    It is often wise to clear copyright on even a line or two of song lyrics. “Why?” you might ask.
    Isn’t it a fair use? .


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