Harmonizing european copyright law

  • What does harmonization mean in EU law?

    Harmonisation, also known as standardisation or approximation, refers to the determination of EU-wide legally binding standards to be met in all Member States.
    The creation of an internal market, which has been one of the main objectives of the EU, requires the harmonisation of some rules concerning inter-State trade..

  • What is meant by harmonizing laws?

    The process by which two or more states, sometimes under the auspices of an interstate or international organization, change their legislation relevant to some area of common concern to conform their statutes and to facilitate compliance and enforcement across borders..

  • What is the harmonization clause of the EU law?

    Harmonisation, also known as standardisation or approximation, refers to the determination of EU-wide legally binding standards to be met in all Member States.
    The creation of an internal market, which has been one of the main objectives of the EU, requires the harmonisation of some rules concerning inter-State trade..

  • Although in American law copyright also arises automatically when the work is created, the focus is on different protection goals.
    While in Germany the creator of the work itself is to be protected, i.e. the artistic achievement of the author, the US copyright aims to protect the economic aspects.
Nobody likes today's copyright law. Widespread unauthorized use of copyright material proliferates with impunity, while citizens and users protest that intrusive copyright and related rights law stifle cultural expression. Google BooksOriginally published: 2009Authors: Mireille van Eechoud and P. Bernt Hugenholtz
One important effect of primary EC law is that a Member State may not in its copyright law discriminate against citizens of other EU countries. This follows.

What is a copyright harmonisation directive?

Directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (' InfoSoc Directive '), 22 May 2001 Directive on rental right and lending right and on certain rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property (' Rental and Lending Directive '), 12 December 2006 .


Why are harmonised copyright standards important?

By setting harmonised standards, EU copyright law reduces national discrepancies, and guarantees the level of protection needed to foster creativity and investment in creativity.
Harmonised standards promote cultural diversity and bring better access for consumers and business to digital content and services across Europe.


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