Cosmology vocabulary

  • What does cosmology mean in vocabulary?

    Cosmology is the study of the cosmos, which is the entire universe.
    Someone who studies cosmology is interested in the structure, origins, and development of the universe..

  • Astronomy is the science that looks up: at stars, at other planets, at solar systems, at galaxies, and at everything else in the universe.
    The Ancient Greeks used the word astron for "star," so it only makes sense that astronomy would involve the study or the stars (and other unearthly topics).
  • Lambda: the upper case Greek Lambda is usually used to denote Einstein's cosmological constant.
    A non-zero Lambda indicates a non-zero vacuum energy density and causes a long-range repulsive effect which leads to the accelerating expansion of the Universe.
Cosmology is the study of the cosmos, which is the entire universe. Someone who studies cosmology is interested in the structure, origins, and developmentĀ 


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