Unanswered questions cosmology

  • What are some unanswered questions about the universe?

    One of the most important unsolved problems in Astrophysics is black holes.
    Black holes first appeared in the solutions of the equations of general relativity..

  • What is the biggest question in astronomy?

    Planetary astronomy

    Are there any non-dwarf planets beyond Neptune?Why do extreme trans-Neptunian objects have elongated orbits?Rotation rate of Saturn: Why does the magnetosphere of Saturn rotate at a rate close to that at which the planet's clouds rotate? What is the rotation rate of Saturn's deep interior?.

  • What is the biggest unsolved problem in astronomy?

    Big Questions

    How did our Universe begin and how will it end?What is dark matter?How did the known structures in the Universe evolve?How do massive black holes grow?What is dark energy and why is the Universe expanding ever faster?What is the Structure and Behavior of Matter Under Extreme Conditions?.

  • What is the hardest question in astronomy?

    Big Questions

    How did our Universe begin and how will it end?What is dark matter?How did the known structures in the Universe evolve?How do massive black holes grow?What is dark energy and why is the Universe expanding ever faster?What is the Structure and Behavior of Matter Under Extreme Conditions?.

  • What is the hardest question in astronomy?

    Is the Universe really infinite or just really big? How can the Universe be infinite if it was all concentrated into a point at the Big Bang? How can the oldest stars in the Universe be older than the Universe? Can objects move away from us faster than the speed of light?.

  • What is the hardest question in astronomy?

    One of the most important unsolved problems in Astrophysics is black holes.
    Black holes first appeared in the solutions of the equations of general relativity..

Big Questions
  • What conditions are necessary for life?
  • Does life exist outside of the solar system?
  • Why do we need an extremely large telescope like the Giant Magellan Telescope?
  • How do stars and planets form and evolve?
  • What happened in the early universe?
  • What do black holes look like?
  • Is the Universe infinite?
  • Could there be an edge of the Universe?
  • If the Universe is infinite, how can it be expanding?
  • What is the Universe made of?
  • Are the laws of physics the same everywhere?
  • Do parallel universes exist?
  • What came before the Universe?
  • Will the Universe ever end?


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