Cosmology distance learning

  • Can I study astronomy online?

    Your qualification should be in a physics-, mathematics- or astronomy-based subject, or a subject with significant mathematical or physical content, and include modules in calculus, differential equations, mechanics, electrodynamics and quantum mechanics..

  • How can I learn cosmology?

    Learn Astronomy Online
    For those pursuing professional advancement, skill acquisition, or even a new career path, these Astronomy courses can be a valuable resource.
    Take the next step in your professional journey and enroll in a Astronomy course today.

We offer an exciting distance learning programme of University courses in Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrobiology and a wide range of other fascinating subjects.

What is cosmology & astrophysics based on Python?

Three Python-based practical activities support Book 1 Cosmology, providing hands-on experience working with cosmological models and observations.
Book 2 The Distant Universe provides a series of in-depth study topics in extragalactic astrophysics, linked to each other and Book 1 by themes of relativity and the interaction of matter and radiation.


What is cosmology course?

Gain an informed view of concepts in cosmology with this cosmology course, without recourse to complex mathematics in your study.
Learn about the beginning of the Universe including:

  • the creation of extremely small elementary particles and the processes that led to the formation of the very large structures seen today.
  • ,

    What will I learn in Book 1 cosmology?

    In later parts, you’ll follow a history of the Universe from the earliest particle interactions to the formation of structure via gravitational collapse and, eventually, the birth of stars and galaxies.
    Three Python-based practical activities support Book 1 Cosmology, providing hands-on experience working with cosmological models and observations.


    When does cosmology & the distant universe (s385) start?

    The assessment details for this module can be found in the facts box.
    Cosmology and the distant Universe (S385) starts once a year – in October.
    This page describes the module that will start in October 2024.
    We expect it to start for the last time in October 2030.


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