Cosmology lecture notes

Feb 28, 2018This course covers topics ranging from the evidence of the expanding universe to Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies. They can be found 
Cosmology has become a very active research field in the last decades thanks to the impressing improvement of our observational techniques which have led to landmark discoveries such as the accelerated Google BooksOriginally published: July 21, 2018Author: Oliver Piattella

Are cosmology books good?

Cosmology textbooks sit in one of two camps.
The introductory books do a good job of describing the expanding universe, but tend to be less detailed on the hot Big Bang and structure formation.
Meanwhile, advanced books which cover these topics assume prior exposure to both general relativity and statistical mechanics.


What is a cosmology course?

This is a course on cosmology, aimed at final year undergraduate students.
It assumes a background in neither general relativity nor statistical mechanics.
The full lecture notes come in around 170 pages.
Please do email me if you find any typos or mistakes. 1.
The Expanding Universe:

  • PDF The cosmological principle:
  • homogeneity and isotropy.
  • ,

    What is the cosmological principle?

    The Cosmological Principle:

  • On the largest scales
  • the universe is spatially homogeneous and isotropic.
    Here, homogeneity is the property that the universe looks identical at every point in space, while isotropy is the property that it looks the same in every direction.
    Note that the cosmological principle refers only to space.
  • ,

    When was the cosmological constant first discovered?

    The cosmological constant was first introduced by Einstein in 1917 in an attempt to construct a static cosmology.
    This was over a decade before Hubble’s discovery of the expanding universe. ̈ a 4⇡G tells us that a static universe is only possible if ⇢ = 3P .


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