Cosmology introduction

  • Cosmology books

    The universe is everything.
    It includes all of space, and all the matter and energy that space contains.
    It even includes time itself and, of course, it includes you.
    Earth and the Moon are part of the universe, as are the other planets and their many dozens of moons..

  • Cosmology topics

    The universe is everything.
    It includes all of space, and all the matter and energy that space contains.
    It even includes time itself and, of course, it includes you.
    Earth and the Moon are part of the universe, as are the other planets and their many dozens of moons..

  • How did the cosmos begin?

    This breakthrough idea later became known as the Big Bang The Big Bang was the moment 13.8 billion years ago when the universe began as a tiny, dense, fireball that exploded.
    Most astronomers use the Big Bang theory to explain how the universe began..

  • Theories of cosmology

    The universe is everything.
    It includes all of space, and all the matter and energy that space contains.
    It even includes time itself and, of course, it includes you.
    Earth and the Moon are part of the universe, as are the other planets and their many dozens of moons..

  • What is cosmology in short summary?

    Cosmology is a branch of astronomy that involves the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to today and on into the future.
    According to NASA, the definition of cosmology is "the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole."Feb 21, 2022.

According to NASA, the definition of cosmology is "the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole." Cosmologists puzzle over exotic concepts like string theory, dark matter and dark energy and whether there is one universe or many (sometimes called the multiverse).
Cosmology is the study of the dynamical structure of the universe and seeks to answer questions regarding the origin, the evolution, and the future behavior of the universe as a whole.

Additional Resources

You can read more about cosmology and the foundations of the Big Bang model in Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe's Introduction to Cosmology by NASA.
For more answers to common cosmology questions, go to NASA's Ask an Astrophysicist page.


Common Cosmological Questions

What came before the Big Bang.
Because of the enclosed and finite nature of the universe, we cannot see "outside" of our own universe.
Space and time began with the Big Bang.
While there are a number of speculations about the existence of other universes, there is no practical way to observe them, and as such there will never be any evidence for (o.


Cosmological Missions & Instruments

Launched in November 1989, NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer(COBE) took precise measurements of radiation across the sky.
The mission operated until 1993.
Although NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is probably best known for its astounding images, a primary missionwas cosmological.
By more accurately measuring the distances to Cepheid variables, stars .


When did scientific cosmology start?

The modern era of scientific cosmology began with Einstein's general theory of relativity, published in 1915, which allowed for a consistent mathematical explanation for the Universe.
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