Observational cosmology review arxiv

  • What is the inflation model of cosmology?

    The inflationary universe is a cosmological model in which there is a period during the very early universe when the volume of space expands exponentially.
    A period of inflation may arise when matter is described by particle physics (instead of by an ideal gas) in the early universe..

  • The Early Years
    Until roughly 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the entire universe was a thick opaque cloud of plasma of electrons and nuclei.
    As the universe expanded, it cooled off enough to let the plasma become atoms, and the cosmos became transparent.
  • The inflationary universe is a cosmological model in which there is a period during the very early universe when the volume of space expands exponentially.
    A period of inflation may arise when matter is described by particle physics (instead of by an ideal gas) in the early universe.
Apr 16, 2013Abstract:We review the observational foundations of the \LambdaCDM model, considered by most cosmologists as the standard model of cosmology 

How is cosmic shear interpreted in a cosmological context?

Over the last years, cosmic shear has evolved into a reliable and robust cosmological probe, providing measurements of the expansion history of the Universe and the growth of its structure.
We review here the principles of weak gravitational lensing and show how cosmic shear is interpreted in a cosmological context.


Should cosmology be accessible to observation over the next decade?

This book has provided an introductory account of many of the most important topics in modern cosmology.
As you’ve seen, there remain a number of unresolved issues, many of which should however be accessible to observation over the next decade as astronomical instrumentation continues to improve.
Here isa briefsummary ofwhat we’ve learned.


What does the cosmological argument rest on?

The cosmological argument rests on certain principles of causation.
In particular that any existent thing must have a cause or reason for its existence (this is what Leibniz points to in his principle of sufficient reason), and that there cannot be more in the effect than there is in the cause.


Which cosmological model is the simplest?

Among a number of cosmological models introduced so far in the literature, the ΛCDM cosmological model, the mathematically simplest model with just two heavy ingredients (equivalently, two assumptions), namely, the positive cosmological constant ( Λ > 0) and the CDM came into the picture of modern cosmology.


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