Vedic cosmology pictures

  • How old is earth according to Vedas?

    Religion: According to Hinduism, the earth is 155.5 trillion years old, but according to science, it is 4.5 billion years old..

  • What are 64 dimensions in Vedas?

    According to vedic physics, space inside our universe is multi - dimensional.
    There are 64 main dimensions and each dimension is further divided into many sub-dimensions.
    Since the inhabitants of earth can perceive 3 dimensions, their senses have no access to many other realms of universal reality.

  • What is the Vedic cosmology?

    The fundamental concept that pervades Vedic cosmology is the relation and dependence that everything has upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna; the source of creation, maintenance and dissolution of the manifested worlds..

  • According to vedic physics, space inside our universe is multi - dimensional.
    There are 64 main dimensions and each dimension is further divided into many sub-dimensions.
    Since the inhabitants of earth can perceive 3 dimensions, their senses have no access to many other realms of universal reality
  • Religion: According to Hinduism, the earth is 155.5 trillion years old, but according to science, it is 4.5 billion years old.

The Vedic Universe

Taking the plane of the ecliptic and extending it to the edge of our solar system, the Puranas describe that our Earth planet sits within the universe in the middle of these fourteen sub-planes, with six higher realms and seven realms below.
In the famous TV series Cosmos, astronomer Carl Sagan admits that the Vedas of India are the only ancient te.


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