Golarion cosmology

  • How many planes are there in Pathfinder?

    These realities beyond our reality are the domains of the gods, and play home to non-godly powers fit for worship, planar dragons, and entirely alien races.
    There are nineteen major planes that comprise the Great Beyond, modeled as two spheres: the Inner Sphere and the Outer Sphere..

  • Is the material plane infinite?

    Like all the D&D planes the material is essentially infinite, all of the different official ( and homebrewed) worlds can be considered to be parts of it..

  • What is in the ethereal plane?

    The Ethereal Plane is a misty, fog-bound dimension that is coexistent with the Material Plane and often other planes as well.
    Travelers within the Ethereal Plane describe the plane as a collection of swirling mists and colorful fogs..

  • What is the great beyond cosmology?

    The Great Beyond is a term that encompasses all the planes of existence that make up the known multiverse.
    These realities beyond our reality are the domains of the gods, and play home to non-godly powers fit for worship, planar dragons, and entirely alien races..

  • What is the material plane?

    The Material Plane is the nexus where the philosophical and elemental forces that define the other planes collide in the jumbled existence of mortal life and mundane matter.
    All fantasy gaming worlds exist within the Material Plane, making it the starting point for most campaigns and adventures..

  • What is the universe of Pathfinder?

    Golarion is the main world of the Pathfinder campaign setting on which much of the events in the game take place..

  • What plane is Golarion on?

    The Material Plane is the Inner Sphere reality in which the planet of Golarion finds itself, along with its sun and its 10 sister planets.
    It is an unending universe occasionally harboring life on terrestrial planets or other less-stable celestial bodies.
    Most mortals live out their lives on this plane.Aug 19, 2023.

  • Like all the D&D planes the material is essentially infinite, all of the different official ( and homebrewed) worlds can be considered to be parts of it.


Golarion contains eight continents amid immense seas..
1) Arcadia is a lush continent that lies west from Avistan and Garund across the Arcadian Ocean, which bears its name. 4,000 miles from the shores of Avistan, little is known of this land save in the most ancient of texts and lore from long-fallen empires, though there are infrequent trade and c.



Five great oceans cover the remainder of Golarion.
1) The Antarkos Ocean, which covers most of Golarion's southern hemisphere, including the South Pole, and is largely composed of a permanent ice shelf.910.
2) The Arcadian Ocean, west of Avistan and Garund, east of Arcadia, and surrounding Azlant.
3) The Embaral Oceantouching Casmaron, Tian Xia, and.


What continents are on Golarion?

In addition to the Inner Sea region, other continents on the planet Golarion have been traveled and populated.
Arcadia The lush island continent which gives the Arcadian Oceanits name.
Azlant The remnants of the birthplace of humancivilization, now mostly sunk beneath the sea.
Casmaron The largest continent on the planet.
Darklands .


What does Golarion mean in astrology?

Artist's impression of the known world.
In scholarly astronomical or astrological works, Golarion is sometimes represented by a rune:

  • a circle with three vertical bars overlaying it.
    One might suggest this symbol is more in keeping with Golarion as 'the Cage', rather than as 'the Child'.
    Golarion contains eight continents amid immense seas.
  • ,

    What is goblins of Golarion?

    Goblins of Golarion presents a player-friendly overview of the favorite foes of the Pathfinder campaign setting, along with new rules and information to help players customize goblin characters in both flavor and mechanics.
    Inside this book, you'll find:.


    What philosophies do the mortals of Golarion have?

    The mortals of Golarion have several philosophies that attempt to describe the metaphysical relationships of the planes to each other.
    The most prominent is known as the arcane tradition or the orthodox scheme, which envisions the planes as nesting spheres of realities with the Inner Sphere at the center and Outer Sphere as the infinite exterior.


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