Torrance creative thinking test

  • What are the 4 criteria of creativity by Torrance?

    Paul Torrance's work in Creativity.
    Torrance, the “Father of Creativity” talked about four elements to creativity: Fluency (# of ideas), Flexibility (variety of ideas), Originality (uniqueness of ideas), and Elaboration (details of ideas)..

  • Which thinking does creative test measure?

    Creativity tests measure specific cognitive processes such as thinking divergently, making associations, constructing and combining broad categories, or working on many ideas simultaneously..

  • Over 70% (72%) of students rendered Creativity Indices between 100 and 129, with 17% scoring above 130 and 11% scoring below 99. average which serves as a single composite for the Verbal assessment. [Torrance, E.P. (2001, 2008).
    Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking- Interpretive Manual.
The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) is designed to identify and evaluate creative potential using two parts – a Verbal test and a Figural test.
The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking verbal form In the Verbal Form of the TTCT, examinees are provided with a picture (stimuli) in each activity with verbal tasks, which they respond to in writing. The TTCT Verbal Battery assesses students' fluency, flexibility, and originality abilities.

Torrance Sample Question #1

Parent, say to your child: “Let’s do some drawing.
Here are some squares with little figures drawn inside of them.
When I say ‘start,’ take your pencil and try to make each little figure into something else.
You can do whatever you want with these.
You can make them funny or beautiful.
You can add words.
You can use more than one at a time – whatev.


Torrance Sample Question #2

Ask your child what is happening in this picture.
Ask him how did this happen.
Then ask, what will happen next?


Torrance Sample Question #3

Have your child generate as many uses as possible.
Ask: How many new ways can you think to use a water bottle?


Torrance Sample Question #4

Ask your child: Suppose you could be invisible for a day.
What problems might that create.
What would the benefits of being invisible be?


What is a criterion- referenced assessment of creativity?

CRITERION-REFERENCED ASSESSMENTS OF CREATIVITY—the preceding assessments are all norm- referenced, and constitute the primary bases for assessment of creativity.
An added thirteen criterion- referenced measures are useful for a more complete overall assessment.

Ellis Paul Torrance was an American psychologist best known for his research in creativity.


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