Creative tax write offs

  • Can you claim art as a tax deduction?

    Under the Instant Asset Write-off scheme, purchasing art for your workspace is 100% tax deductible.
    There is no limit on the number of artworks costing less than $150,000 that can be claimed for tax deduction..

  • Can you use Spotify as a tax write off?

    It is possible to claim your subscriptions to music streaming services such as Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music (and others) as business expenses, on one condition: you need to use the service as part of your work and you need to be able to prove it (for example, no firewall that prevents Spotify from being at the .

  • Can you write off Adobe Creative Cloud on taxes?

    As long as you're using software for your business, it's deductible.
    Type of software freelancers typically use and can write off include: Design software like Adobe Suite, Webflow, and Sketch..

  • Do content creators get tax write offs?

    As a result, you can deduct the cost of goods and services that are tied to your business on Schedule C.
    Content creator and influencer write-offs can include electronics, office furniture, advertising, supplies, domain and hosting fees, and insurance..

  • If you need to hire an editor, designer, photographer, or other creative pro, write off what you pay them.
    Squarespace, Wix, GoDaddy, and other website service fees are fully tax-deductible.
    Subscriptions and licenses for Photoshop, Lightroom, and other software can be deducted.
  • It is possible to claim your subscriptions to music streaming services such as Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music (and others) as business expenses, on one condition: you need to use the service as part of your work and you need to be able to prove it (for example, no firewall that prevents Spotify from being at the
25 Creative Tax Deductions
  • Advertising, Marketing, and Websites. You can usually deduct the costs of ads, marketing fees, website creation and administration, and more, as long as your expenses are reasonable and ordinary.
  • Software.
  • Cell Phone.
  • Home Office Utilities.
  • Internet.
  • Commissions and Fees.
  • Insurance.
  • Loan Interest.
May 1, 202330 Creative But Legal Tax Deductions1. Body Oil2. Car or Truck Expenses3. Cell Phone4. Charitable Causes5. Clothing6.

30 Creative But Legal Tax Deductions

Now that you understand the basics of how and where to report deductions on your taxes, let’s explore creative, and perfectly legal, deductions you should be including.


Can a charitable nature Cheat you Out of tax deductions?

Don't let your charitable nature cheat you out of well-deserved tax deductions.
If you really want to get creative, you can even deduct the expenses of the flour and sugar you buy to make cookies for the school or church bake sale fundraiser.
Next, we'll look at the creative (but dangerous) world of home office deductions.


Can you write off ads on taxes?

If you use Photoshop, Lightroom, or Final Cut Pro to edit images or video, you can write them off.
Ad campaigns on Google, Meta, TikTok, and more are all deductible on your taxes.
If you need to hire an editor, designer, photographer, or other creative pro, write off what you pay them.


Do’s and Don’ts When Claiming Deductions

Now that you’re up-to-speed on all the creative items that can be tax deducted, be mindful of the Do’s and Don’ts of claiming these deductions to best prepare you for tax season:


How do I get Creative with education expenses?

Now let's look at some ways to get creative with education expenses.
You can deduct up to $2,500 in student loan interest every year.
Size Guide/Getty Images The U.S. tax code is designed to encourage certain purchases and activities that strengthen society.
Home ownership is one of those, and so is higher education.


How Do You Report Tax Deductions?

As a sole proprietor or Limited Liability Company (LLC), reporting your tax deductions is not as daunting as it might seem. Tax deductions are filed on a Schedule C, an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form that captures profits and losses in your business from the previous year.
On Schedule C, you’ll be able to list and itemize your business expense.


Should You Itemize Deductions?

If your itemized deductions exceed the standard deduction amount, it is recommended you itemize to take full advantage of all the unique ways to reduce your taxable income.
If you’re unsure of this process, consult a tax professional to walk you through how to itemize.


Will itemized deductions make a comeback in 2026?

Technically, the changes to the tax code made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs act expire at the end of 2025, so some of these itemized deductions could make a comeback in 2026 [source:

  • Bird ].

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