Criminal law history and development

  • In almost all the countries, some major historical events have guided the formation of justice system in the country.
    In United States, the revolution for freedom from British, the civil war, and movement against racial discrimination have a huge impact in the formation of criminal justice system.
The establishment of penal codes and a juvenile justice system during the 19th century changed the face of crime and the criminal justice system. Criminal law 

How did criminology evolve in the 18th century?

During the late 18 th century, what we consider classic criminological theory fully developed.
In the United States, colonists used religion as a foundation for understanding crime.
In addition, slavery contributed significantly to the evolution of criminal law.


How has criminal law evolved over the past 2,000 years?

The criminal law and criminal justice system have evolved over a period of thousands of years.
From Pontius Pilate’s refusal to crucify Jesus Christ to the sensational Watergate trial of President Richard Nixon, criminal law has evolved significantly over the past 2,000 years.


Who created the first criminal law?

The Sumerian people from what is now Iraq produced the earliest known example of a written set of criminal laws.
Their code, created around 2100-2050 BC, was the first to create a distinction between criminal and civil wrongdoings.


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