Criminal law notebook

  • Which course is best for criminal law?

    In summary, criminal law in England comprises actus reus and mens rea as its foundational elements..

The Criminal Law Notebook It is intended to be used as a reference for those seeking to understand technical elements of the law better. It will be particularly useful to practitioners, police officers and law students who need a convenient way to look up legislation, principles, and case law.

Audio and Video Recordings

The requirements for admitting video evidence is similar as those of photos.
Specifically, in the case of video tape there is the added danger of potential of tape alterations (editing, slow-motion replay, etc.), so the judge must be even more cautious when admitting video evidence.
Accordingly, if it "is established that a videotape has not been a.



Audio recording are to be treated in the same manner as witness testimony, but with the added weight provided that it is a more accurate record of past conversations.
The use of private recorded conversations in a criminal trial usually requires a voir dire to be held.
A police officer can give evidence of the accused's natural voice at time arrest.


General Principles

Real evidence consists of all tangible evidence, physical objects such as, tape recordings, computer printouts or photographs.It is evidence where "the trier of fact uses its own senses to make observations and draw conclusion, rather than being told about the object by a witness".
It is evidence that "conveys a relevant first-hand sense impression.



In order to admit photographic evidence in Court, the party submitting the evidence must establish that: 1. they accurately and truly represent the facts, 2. are fairly presented and without any intent to mislead and 3. are verified on oath by a person capable of doing so.
The person testifying to the photographs can be: 1. the photographer 2. a pe.


Physical Objects

Handwriting and signatures


What are the 5 areas of criminal law?

It is divided into five essential areas, substantive criminal law, criminal procedure, search and seizure, evidence and sentencing.
Many articles are still a work in progress.
However, improvement continues to happen daily where old articles are cleaned up and new articles are created.


What is the Canadian Criminal Law notebook?

The Canadian Criminal Law Notebook is a legal reference covering the principles and rules set out by the Criminal Code and case law.
The Canadian Criminal Code and the years of accompanying case law have created a dense field of law full of rules and exceptions that are not always readily known to most people including:

  • practitioners.
  • Data analysis software

    i2 Analyst's Notebook is a software product from i2 Group for data analysis.
    Based on ELP (entity-link-property) methodology, it reveals relationships between data entities to discover patterns and provide insight into data.
    It is commonly used by digital analysts at law enforcement, military and other government intelligence agencies, and by fraud departments.
    It is a part of the Human Terrain System, a United States Army program which embeds social scientists with combat brigades.
    Several investigations, including an investigation into fraud in the U.S.
    Army, are reported to have used it.
    It is also used by Swedish police to analyse social contacts and social networks.

    2018 corruption scandal in Argentina

    The notebook scandal or graft scandal took place in Argentina in 2018.
    It was started by the driver Óscar Centeno, who had worked for public officials during the presidencies of Néstor and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and denounced an organized corruption scheme.
    According to notes that he had kept in personal notebooks, he had frequently carried bags filled with US dollars to several locations, including public buildings and even the personal house of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
    Those bags would be payments for bribes.


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